NX-8V2 in house - no power

I recently moved into a home I am renting that has an NX-8v2. Nobody has lived in this house before, and there is no power to the security system. I’ve spoken to the landlord about this, but it’s been a few weeks now and I am getting impatient :slight_smile:

Anyway, Here’s the wiring diagram, and here’s what’s currently plugged in to the AC terminals. Now, my assumption is that I need to take the black wire that’s twisted with the green, and plug it into the other AC terminal, but I don’t wanna just go plugging wires into thinks labeled “AC” without at least getting a second opinion.

Any thoughts?

Now, my assumption is that I need to take the black wire that’s twisted with the green, and plug it into the other AC terminal, but I don’t wanna just go plugging wires into thinks labeled “AC” without at least getting a second opinion.

As long as those two conductors run to the power supply (which they likely do) yes, you would want to connect those to AC. You should unplug the power supply before doing so. It will be a large 16VAC transformer.