No wifi on GC3

It is being reported that with the initial release of the GC3, even though it ships with the 802.11 hardware, WIFI functionality is not operational at this time (and neither is the hardwired Smoke detector terminal blocks).

It will most likely be enabled via a future firmware release.

Yep, this is correct. Wifi will be enabled with a future firmware version. (I don’t believe it is intended to take very long)

I don’t understand why they’d even release the GC3 without WiFi, seems like a core function.

Guess I should have waited to order one.

I believe they were improving the interface that was being used for Wifi. I cannot say for certain.

It is fairly common that features may be unavailable at release (not quite the wide release as you might see with other electronics), but the hardware is in the panel so it only needs “turned on” so to speak through firmware.

Hi Jason, if the wifi isn’t enabled yet, and enabled at a later date, do users need to pay in order to get the firmware push, like the GC2, to get wifi enabled?

Firmware updates do not need to be done OTA. In fact we recommend not to do them that way over cell.

The good news regarding the GC3 is that to perform a local update, no cable is needed. It updates via USB drive.

Will the 2Gig-TS1E work on the GC3?

Will the 2Gig-TS1E work on the GC3?


900mhz devices are not supported.
No Image Sensor support. No ADC-T2000 remote temp sensors (RTS) support either.

The only currently supported keypad is the 345mhz 2GIG-PAD1

I cannot get 2GIG-PAD1 to work with the GC3 either. I get an error every time I try to save the config.

cannot get 2GIG-PAD1 to work with the GC3 either. I get an error every time I try to save the config

screenshot the programming screen

What does the error state?


I asked Nortek what their plan was for releasing a panel similar in function as the TS1, but for the GC3 and this was their response:

“The TS1 has an entirely different user interface so it will not work the new GC3. Our GC3 will have its own secondary keypad later this summer. Currently our PAD1 is used a secondary keypad for the GC3.”

“Unable to save changes with invalid or duplicate serial numbers”

  • This is the only keypad I am adding
  • tried using learn function
  • tried putting it in different slots
  • Also tried adding a 1, similar to take over module

Hmm, check your sensors you have learned in to make sure the same serial number is not listed twice. Have you added other sensors in this same programming run?

I did the take over module only so far for wired sensors, those numbers are different. Has anyone successfully already added this pad to GC3? Just want to make sure it’s not a general problem with the units.

Going to try power cycle when I get home. Is there a correct way to do this? I was just going to unplug the transformer and battery.

Unable to save changes with invalid or duplicate serial numbers”

Yep that is a programming issue.

When you tried to learn the pad1 serial, it picked up another (perhaps a PIR). You may need to manually enter the PAD1 serial

When you tried to learn the pad1 serial, it picked up another (perhaps a PIR). You may need to manually enter the PAD1 serial

I would guess this as the issue as well.

Going to try power cycle when I get home. Is there a correct way to do this? I was just going to unplug the transformer and battery.

Unplug: Transformer then Battery. Plug in: Battery then Transformer.

Thanks for the help, it was getting overlapped with the motion sensor (zone 6) for some reason, moving wired motion to zone 7 fixed it.

The only other issue I had during install was the 3g radio test kept failing. Reboot as you instructed and work fine now.

Back on subject, as a DIY’er where do we get the firmware when it comes out? It can be pushed through the 3g?

Surety will most likely provide link, You download it for free to a sdcard, and plug sdcard into panel and install it.

You can probably pay for the firmware to be pushed OTA over cellular, I dunno. That is an option for 2GIG GC2.

Here are the current 2GIG firmware links (GoControl only so far). I am sure there will a separate link for the GC3 Firmware.