New GC3 - Ready for Service - Noob question

Greetings all - I have installed my new GC3 system and we’ve been using it locally every day and it seems to work well for our needs. I’m interested in the SuretyDIY $14.95/mo ‘Basic Interactive’ monitoring package without central station monitoring. My question is: Do I need the compatible GC3 cellular communicator to do that? It’s an $85 item that I’m prepared to work without if I can. I realize that the system would then work by internet only to get my ability to arm/disarm, etc. remotely which is really the key functionality we want. Is the GC3 ready to do this ‘out of the box’ or am (still) waiting for a firmware upgrade to for Wifi that 2Gig promised over a year ago?

TL;DR: can I activate and use my GC3 system without the use of the Verizon or AT&T communicator? What features am I giving up?

Every account requires a valid cellular module for activation. This page is our address check tool to check which carrier has the best coverage for your area.

The latest firmware on GC3, 3.0.1 does not yet enable the wifi adapter. I would anticipate this being one of the next additions.

Even if you could do without it, given that cellular service is included in even the most basic package, it’s definitely worth having that signal path for a one-time price.

I understand schalliol, but packages that rely on cellular communication immediately put one into the higher monthly monitoring packages ($25-$35 w/cellular vs $10-$15 without). Those monthly fees are quite disparate. I doubt that my house is ever going to be broken into. I’m doing this for my wife. If a bad buy does break in, the alarm is going to go off regardless of whether I’m connected to a CS or not. Bad guy doesn’t know that I don’t have central station monitoring - so he’s going to run away. I get a text or notification that my alarm goes off and I disarm it remotely…then I can investigate whether I want to dispatch authorities. That difference of $10 or $15/month adds up over time when really all I want is the ‘illusion’ of a security system that allows me remote arm/disarm. Plus I’m having signal strength issues with the Verizon card; have sent it back and am going to try AT&T (which should arrive today) If AT&T is not good either, then I’m going to have to deal with the issue and so this is the reason I’m being proactive here…If 2gig would enable internet monitoring like they are supposed to I’d be reasonably happy with my system and paying much less/month. My internet is solid and fast and has only gone out twice over the past 10 years that I’m aware of.

I understand schalliol, but packages that rely on cellular communication immediately put one into the higher monthly monitoring packages ($25-$35 w/cellular vs $10-$15 without).

I think there may be some confusion. All pricing here includes cellular data.

14.95/month is the cost for Basic Interactive. All interactive plans include cellular data. You do not need a separate data plan.

Thanks Jason - but my point was I still need the cellular communicator - the GC3 cannot self-monitor without that $85 add-in component. Whereas, if 2Gig enabled WiFi (via a firmware update), then I would not need a cellular communicator at all - is that accurate? Sorry but this is somewhat new to me…I’m just trying to understand. Thank you all for your input and assistance.

Whereas, if 2Gig enabled WiFi (via a firmware update), then I would not need a cellular communicator at all – is that accurate?

No, from above “Every account requires a valid cellular module for activation”

All accounts must have a cellular communicator for activation. Internet communication is used by certain panels for concurrent backup communication. All pricing includes cell data service.

There is no different monthly pricing, at least through suretyDIY, to also use Internet as backup.

There is no way to set up an Interactive Account through without a cellular communication module.

Sorry but this is somewhat new to me..I’m just trying to understand.

Not a problem, happy to help.

Thank you Jason that does help a lot. So looking at suretydiy monitoring packages, what is the difference between “sensor security monitoring” and ‘sensor activity monitoring’ (the latter of which is not included in the basic package). I’m trying to figure out whether my monitoring package would cost $15/mo or $20/mo without monitoring. I have 10 wireless sensors right now.

This page goes into detail about the difference between Sensor Activity and Sensor Security monitoring.

Activity monitoring refers to additional real-time status alerts on sensors when the system is not armed. So, real time alerts you can set up whenever a sensor is opened when it wouldn’t generate an alarm.