Need help with lag between panel and adc

Has anybody been experiencing extreme lag between the panel and adc?

I notice that thermostats, door lock and other sway devices don’t report back to adc for long time or I have to close the app and reopen.

Panel gets it right away but is not relaying info to adc.

I can stand in front of my door lock and panel. Panel is 2 feet away on the same wall door is lock. I can manually rotate lock to unlock position, and I can see status changing right away on my iq4 but it shows lock on my adc app. I Can try to refresh multiple times and it still shows lock. Takes few app closing and opening before status reflect on the app.

@jwcsurety can you please have adc involve and check through logs of my account and why is that panel gets all status right away and adc app does not. Some time it will never get it until I actually send a command from the app

Has anybody been experiencing extreme lag between the panel and adc?

Is ADC not updating at all?

Are you able to give us a specific example and time, or recreate the issue and let us know the time it occurred?

If there is a delay, between the panel updating status and updating status, how long? Is it outside of a couple minutes?

Are you referencing mobile commands for individual devices only , or are you referencing Rules/Scenes as well?

I Can try to refresh multiple times and it still shows lock. Takes few app closing and opening before status reflect on the app.

Is app connected to cellular, or data?
Is the app updated?

Thank you for reply. I have been out of town, just got back. I think I have isolate root cause and working on confirmation. I will report back as soon i’m done with my testing.