MYQ 888LM Control Panel Change


My 888LM control pad had to be replaced by liftmaster warranty. How do I pair the new control pad to my gateway and I can’t find a way to put the gateway back into learn mode on ADC.

Thank you in advance.

To confirm, the Gateway has not changed, just the 888LM control panel correct?

If that is the case, the original control panel would need to be removed from your account. Due to a limitation with MyQ devices and, the devices cannot be removed by the end user, only your dealer can do that.

Would you like us to go ahead and do that now?

Once it has been done, you can then add the new 888LM to by navigating to Settings -> Devices -> + LiftMaster Installation and following the directions from

Hi Tyler,

Yes the gateway remained the same.

That would be great. Please removed the old control panel, and I will re add.

Thank you!

commands have been sent to remove the device, please wait about five minutes for commands to take effect. You should be able to learn in the new 888LM afterward.

Thank you! Worked perfect.