For many months or maybe even a year, my door bell would accurately only ring if someone was actually at my doorstep. Recently, within the last 3 weeks, it’s always falsing and I have not changed anything. Attached is the perminter settting and I have it set to the setting below maximum sensitivity. Seems like the face recognition isn’t working anymore?
Saved video seems to show people walking in the black street which is outside the permitter zone?
Can you also tell me what the permimeter guard setting does and what the red and blue flashing LED feature does?
. Recently, within the last 3 weeks, it’s always falsing and I have not changed anything.
Have you done any troubleshooting to resolve the issue?
Saved video seems to show people walking in the black street which is outside the permitter zone?
When there is a false recording, is this the only cause?
Test the rule, does the camera record as it should?
Seems like the face recognition isn’t working anymore?
Are you referencing face recognition with the panel itself for unexpected activity? The Capture Panel Camera Disarm Images automation rule must stay enabled for this to work (this is unrelated to the VDB770)
Can you also tell me what the permimeter guard setting does and what the red and blue flashing LED feature does?
Perimeter Guard is a way to protect the property with Video Analytics compatible cameras. Through loud whistles, beeps, and flashing red lights. An attention-grabbing combination of audio alerts and blinking red LED ensures people are fully aware of the camera’s presence. More information on this feature found in the guide below:
It saves the image of falsing and people are on the street outside of the green zone consistently
Are you able to trigger a recording by walking through the ground zone based on the rules parameters?
Try adjusting the sensitivity and test for resolution.
Should it still fail, completely delete the rule. Wait 5 minutes then re-create the rule. Wait an additional 5 minutes for the rule to be sent to the camera, then test for functionality. Any Change?
Make sure you are following best practices for creating VA rules for the VDB770 as well, they can be found below:
Key point. This was working fine for about a year with almost no false detections. I changed nothing
Still getting a lot of falsing from people walking in the street. I don’t understand it because I set the floor detection very far from the street. I even changed it so that they had to stay in the floor detection zone for more than 2 seconds
I notice Wheni change certain setting such as duration to remain in detection zone …it saves it but when I go back in to edit it it doesn’t show the previously saved setting and shows the original request to set the setting.
I did what you said and deleted the rules and recreated from scratch.
If I walk in fromt of my door, it alerts me like usual. The issue is all the people walking in the street outside of the floor detection zone setting this off constantly now
I notice Wheni change certain setting such as duration to remain in detection zone …it saves it but when I go back in to edit it it doesn’t show the previously saved setting and shows the original request to set the setting.
Try a different browser. Make the change, log out after the change was made, then log back in and check. Any change? If not let us know what value you set it to (and when).
Still getting a lot of falsing from people walking in the street. I don’t understand it because I set the floor detection very far from the street. I even changed it so that they had to stay in the floor detection zone for more than 2 seconds
As a test, make the zone smaller (cover the large area in front of the door only, not all the extra set points. Dont let the zone touch the very edge of the window either. Additionally, change sensitivity to a lower less sensitive value. Wait 5 minutes after changing then test for resolution.
Additionally, the VDB770 most recently reported a connection to a 5Ghz network band. It is recommended to use a unique 2.4Ghz SSID so that the camera only connects to 2.4Ghz.
5Ghz bands are frequently a cause of intermittent connection issues, with shorter less stable range.
If no change, you can take the VDB770 off its mount and temporarily power the VDB770 via a 5VDC micro-usb power supply, such as an old phone or tablet charger. If you bring it inside and power it this way close to the router, does it boot up and connect?
Had to disconnect power and repower and now it works.
If I put it on its own seperate 2.4 network with a unique wifi that my IQ 4 is not ion, will it disable my ability to see it on the IQ4 panel? I though everything has to be on the same network
If I put it on its own seperate 2.4 network with a unique wifi that my IQ 4 is not ion, will it disable my ability to see it on the IQ4 panel? I though everything has to be on the same network
Put the IQ Panel on that 2.4Ghz network too. That’s correct the doorbell must be on the same LAN.
Before I do this, I am not seeing on the doorbell settings where I can change 2.4 from 5. Or is it more along the lines of, just create a 2.4 netowork name and it will see that?
You control the band(s) SSID in the router/access point. The 2.4Ghz SSID must be unique so that the VDB770 cannot connect to 5Ghz and the router cannot force that. (some routers will employ band steering)
Usually it is best practice to have a separate 2.4Ghz network band for the security devices. Some routers may allow an additional network created, or you could use a separate router.
Alternatively you can just change your current 5Ghz network’s SSID so that it is unique and the camera can only connect to the 2.4Ghz one, but this would affect your other devices and make it so they cannot move between the networks, which is useful for phones and laptops.
I know this is probably out of the scope of support you provide, but I cant figure out how to create a separate 2.4 network with a Netgear Orbi System. The guest network option doesnt have a feature to make it only 2.4 and I don’t want the main network to only be 2.4
Orbi is a mesh network router, and unfortunately based on historical reports it is completely locked down, with users having minimal configuration options.
We call out mesh routers on the product page for the VDB770: For best performance, and to stream video to compatible alarm panels, a unique 2.4Ghz Wifi network SSID is required. Be aware that Mesh Wifi routers commonly cause poor reliability.
With Orbi, the only option I am aware of is adding another separate non-mesh router which you can configure for 2.4ghz only.
This doorbell still falses all the time. Deleted rules and recreated. Recreated detection zones. Turned down sensitivity. Even require people to be in detection zone for 2 seconds. It stillmtriggersmwhen people walk by my house outsidemof the detection zone
I suspect this is an ADC software issue on their end
What does your ground zone look like now? Can you show the extent of what it covers?
One thing that can lead to issues is that a ground zone is not the same as a detection zone for VMD. The ground zone indicates the rough area which is the walking path, it will catch people walking horizontally above the zone. To avoid false triggers from a commonly used path beyond what you want to catch, shrink the ground zone. Pull its edges back away from the street in the frame. The first image shows some of it close enough to the street that it might be causing issues.
I would narrow the zone over the walkway on the right and pull the left ‘peninsula’ of the zone back to half as long as a test.
That’s interesting and probably does either indicate a processing fault. To test can you try pulling that back more so that the ground zone is only behind the pillars?
Is there any change in the frequency if you do that?