Motion Detector Tamper Notifications Sent.

Ever since we received the upgrade I am getting notified every time a sensor changes state. So when someone walks through the house when the system is not armed I am getting emails stating that the motion sensors are in tamper. This didn’t happen before the update. I have tried changing the settings on my notifications but it is still happening.

Any suggestions to why this is happening and what I can do to stop it?


Happy to help out!

To clarify, one of your motion detectors (Office Motion) is reporting a tamper. Until this tamper is resolved, the motion will generate a tamper alert every time it detects motion.

You will want to physically check this motion detector to ensure that the unit and back plate are sitting flush together and that the tamper switch on the inside of the unit is being depressed properly.

To better assist, what is the make and model of the motion detector in question?

You can disable the notifications for the tamper by navigating to the Notifications tab in your account, locating the “System Actions to Watch” notification and toggling the “Someone Tries to Tamper with one of My Devices” feature. This will stop generating the notifications but it will be for all Tampers, not just the motion detector.