Loss of Supervision 3-345 Smoke

I recently installed this smoke detector. I put the system in test and tested the high heat detector. Test worked!
I now get a loss of supervision for the smoke detector (loop 2) but not high heat.
Is this caused because I did not test the smoke portion of the device with actual smoke?

Loop 2 is heat detector.

(1) Smoke
(2) Heat
(3) Freeze

That said, I believe you’ll still need to test either using the test button, or with smoke, in order to get rid of loss of supervision.

I resolved this issue. It was user error. I set up the smoke correctly. When I added the heat, I used the wrong device ID!!!

Discovered the error, changed the ID and everything works great!!

Again, thanks for the help and advice! I value this forum!

When I added the heat, I used the wrong device ID!!!

That’d do it! Glad to hear you have it resolved.