Kwikset 888 with 2gig Go Control2

Not giving up but for today I’m stumped. I’m enlisting some help from and will follow up when we have something.

I’d say it’s a defective lock but since you have 2 that seems unlikely.

I appreciate the assistance and I’m more that willing to exchange at Lowe’s

The last thing is recommending (and would be the last thing I would try before trying a new lock) would be to reset the 2GIG Z-wave controller.

This would make it so you would need to relearn in the other Z-wave devices on your system (looks like there are 4 others currently) so you would want to use the remove device then add device functions after the reset on each Z-wave device.

To perform the reset: go to Services > Z-wave > Wrench Icon > Installer Code > Advanced Toolbox > Reset Controller.

Any luck after the reset?

Finally tried this still no luck might go buy new deadbolts again. is there a better model?

In general I always strongly recommend using a model with 10 buttons instead of 5.

They may print two numbers on each button, but that doesn’t mean anything, it is using a code made up of 5 different options.

This ends up being a huge difference in the possible number of combinations.

A four digit code with 5 possible buttons is 625 total combinations.

With 10 buttons it becomes 10,000 combinations.

Most lock models use 10 buttons (or a touchscreen with ten numbers). The Kwikset 914 is a similar push-button option with ten digits.