I just came over from frontpoint and I paid for the new service already. I get to the activate my account after filling out all the required fields only to get this error message:
"It looks like an error occurred and your Alarm.com service could not be automatically enabled. Surety representatives have been notified and will be able to assist with manual creation using your submitted details within one business day!
We are sorry that we encountered this error but we are on it! If you have any questions, please let us know at customerservice@suretyhome.com! Look for an Order Follow Up email shortly."
Does this mean something is the matter on my end? This is for a Simon XT 1.4 panel with a new verizon LTE ADC module (which is verified to be unregistered). I have not hooked up the module yet because I believe I need to register with surety/alarm.com before installation?
Nothing is wrong on your end. It appears that an error did occur when automatically processing your order. Currently your order is being processed manually by our team. Once they have finished, you will receive a follow up email confirming that this has been completed. We do apologize for the inconvenience.
It looks like this order was processed and is ready to go! You’ll just want to go into your system manager here and click the enable monitoring button on the professional monitoring page. Be sure to follow the instructions in your welcome email regarding running a cell phone test to get connected to cell service!
Thank you guys for getting this to work! I spent at least a couple hours now but am having really hard time. Let me explain:
Account is all in order. Signal is a level 20 on my Simon XT panel. Comm Test succeeded. I’ve installed the alarm.com app on my Galaxy S9+ and everything is normal; i can log in, set my phone to be notified, etc. The 1st problem I’m having is the delay in messages. Opening doors/windows, the main console immediately detects the activity. The alarm.com website also reflects these activities once I refresh. I do not get the notification, however, until 20+ minutes later. the app also doesn’t reflect a door opening, window opening, etc. When i arm the system with the website, it’s arms the system within reasonable time, but using the app is quite delayed - maybe about 30 seconds too slow.
Zwave devices. With my previous 7+ years with Frontpoint using the AT&T 3G ADC module, I’m able to just replicate the simon XT as a primary/or secondary controller; with my smartthings v2 hub as the primary controller. Once i do this, all the devices enrolled in the smartthings hub will automatically be set up in the simon XT. I’ve done this numerous times with frontpoint - addding the controller, deleting the controller, factory resetting. When I re-setup the simon XT as the secondary controller, it will take maybe 8 minutes or so then update on my remote panels (I have 2) and then on alarm.com it will show up as Unknown device ID: XXXX) - i just use smartthings IDE website to lookup the hex->decimal ID codes of each device and rename them via alarm.com website.
The problem I’m having is that it’s been hours and I’ve failed to have these devices show up on my remote panels nor on the alarm.com website. I’ve done the update System test -> lights -> update 2wtts which always works to pass the data to my remote panels and then also alarm.com but this time with this new 4G LTE Verizon ADC module, the z-wave does show up as being added to the simon XT but it does not show up on my remote panels nor alarm.com
It’s very frustrating nothing seems to work. I’ve manually turned each switch on and off, using smartthings app and manually at the switch but nothing works. Can you guys help me figure this out, please?! I need to finish these basic things first before I can finally activate the central station, etc.
ALRIGHT! After hours of tinkering around, I finally got the Simon XT to update my remote screens AND also alarm.com! I don’t know if you guys did any magic on your end but I had to delete my Simon XT (as a 2nd controller) and from the smartthings hub v2 delete the device (exclusion mode) - then I just z-wave factory reset and started over again by adding the simon XT (as a 2nd controller) in smartthings hub v2. After doing this TWICE, the 2nd time it magically worked.
Now my only remaining issue is a z-wave malfunction! Upon getting all the z-wave devices loaded into alarm.com (at the page where you can change the names of the devices which were initially set to Unknown ID:XX) - I had to look up the ID (in hex->dec) in smartthings online IDE manager (under devices). Then change the names on the alarm.com page to the corresponding device listed in smartthings. I have a lot of devices (repeaters/switches/lock/garage opener) so some of these didn’t work obviously. I had a z-wave device that was not even on the list on the smartthings device list! I just named it MISC Light - but now it has a malfunction and I cannot get rid of it in the Simon XT zwave menu. That’s because the simon XT is used as a 2nd controller.
Is there a way for you to identify this device ID for me? I also tried for a 3rd time to factory reset the z-wave and redo the controller adding into smartthings but this time no luck the devices doesn’t seem to update on alarm.com or my remote panels (I have an extra z-wave switch I just added which doesn’t show up on alarm.com).
Adding the simon XT as a 2nd controller when I was with frontpoint worked just fine. I would add new switches to smartthings and it would get pushed over to alarm.com. As for the delays, they seem to be normal now meaning they come in as soon as the activity is registered. So that part is complete. Thanks again for reading all this and I hope you can somehow get rid of that malfunction for me even though I have no clue what device that is (all the devices listed in alarm.com I have access to except that very single malfunctioning one)
PS - I have a Qolsys IQ Panel 2+ w/s-line sensors coming next week so I will probably end up getting rid of this simon XT (if the new console works 100% without defects. I hope I can easily change over my account to reflect this new IQ 2+ panel! Thanks again!
Alright - This thread is now officially in the toilet…
After hours and hours of trying to figure out these strange bugs/glitches/whatever you want to call it; I have finally solved the problems once and for all. It was a simple process outlined here for future Simon XT Verizon LTE ADC new users:
What I did:
Add all the z-wave devices in Smartthings Hub v2. Then do a SCAN/Add new device.
At the simon XT v1.4 panel, enter System Programming -> Interactive Services -> Z-Wave -> Add panel to existing network
After successfully pairing to the smartthings hub, it will give you number of z-wave devices found.
WAIT. It takes a while like 10 minutes or more at times. Don’t do anything except wait.
Now after doing these steps originally, something must of happened because alarm.com wouldn’t see the devices nor would my two little remote screens (shows up no lights/locks, etc).
How I fixed these problems (even after doing multiple factory reset and re-adding/removing over and over, all I needed to do was discount the main 9V power then the battery backup power line. After a couple of minutes, reconnect back in reverse order and do steps 1-4 again. This time, it worked 100% without strange bugs like a z-wave device that didn’t exist or a malfunction on a non-existing device!
Anyway, I’d like to say thank you to surety for providing an awesome DIY package. These DIY problems I’m very willing to endure. Thanks for providing the services at a very good competitive pricing; I’m extremely happy with everything so far (even after hours and hours of WTFs!)
Anyway, last but not least I wanted to add - if you do this 2nd controller method, you won’t get locks or thermostats, etc. but everything works great via alarm.com or via smartthings app. Another surprise was the large category of alarm.com options that exists for my soon to be dumped Simon XT panel: Frontpoint withheld alot of functionality based on my $47.XX tier package; I didn’t even get a simple weather forecast on my Simon XT/remote screens until I signed up with Surety!
There was a lot of troubleshooting here! Sorry to hear you were having trouble, but sounds like you’ve got it worked out. Of the highlights:
"4) WAIT. It takes a while like 10 minutes or more at times. Don’t do anything except wait."
This is the most important thing when trying to link your panel as a secondary controller. There are some idiosyncrasies with each system, and compatibility is not guaranteed, but the one certainty is you’ll need to let the systems share data and remain in proximity of one another without interrupting the process or trying to control devices for 5-10 minutes.
The same goes for ADC showing devices. There is a delay between when your panel learns in a device and when it updates ADC with the new devices. It can take a little bit for this to sync. To hasten this process, you can login to your Surety account here and go to your system manager page. One option there is to send a Z-wave Sync Request on compatible systems to sync your panel Z-wave list with Alarm.com.
PS – I have a Qolsys IQ Panel 2+ w/s-line sensors coming next week so I will probably end up getting rid of this simon XT (if the new console works 100% without defects. I hope I can easily change over my account to reflect this new IQ 2+ panel! Thanks again!
Yes, you can. You would need to locally learn in all necessary devices, but as far as swapping the panel that communicates with your Alarm.com account it is as easy as sending a secure message to our team here with the IMEI number of the new panel communicator and request the swap.
The 1st problem I’m having is the delay in messages. Opening doors/windows, the main console immediately detects the activity. The alarm.com website also reflects these activities once I refresh. I do not get the notification, however, until 20+ minutes later. the app also doesn’t reflect a door opening, window opening, etc. When i arm the system with the website, it’s arms the system within reasonable time, but using the app is quite delayed – maybe about 30 seconds too slow.
It sounds like your phone connection may be related to this issue, as there is no difference on the back-end between sending a command through the app or website.
My s9+ was connected via wi-fi; I don’t know why the delays but most likely related to the Simon XT. The damn thing needed a full reboot (ala unplugging main AC and battery backup). After doing that, everything was normal! Thanks again for the replies! I can’t wait for the new IQ panel 2+ to arrive and get setup. Legacy unencrypted 319.5Mhz equipment should really not be used in security applications - I mean it is a big upfront cost to upgrade to S-Line sensors but well worth it just for added level of encryption. I’m not deep into SDR hacking but nowadays it’s the “bump key” for anything RF related.