Issues with Thermostat and Z-Wave

The emPower thermostat is off schedule. For some odd reason, it appears either the clocks or the triggers are broken on my schedule. At 11PM tonight my thermostat went to 76 degrees, when it should have dropped to 72. I have been noticing odd behavior over the last few days. Is it possible someone could take a look and see if there are any logs or known issues with ADC and the thermostat settings.

I have also noticed that my light automation seems spotty as well. Lights that should have been off by midnight are still on now.

Happy to assist!

Has any work been done to your system recently? Panel reports that the tstat was removed and re-added yesterday. If you edit and re-save the tstat schedule in, this will resend the schedule to the thermostat which should clear up your issue. Any change after doing so?

Additionally, you may want to run a Z-Wave network rediscovery The video at the previous link will show you how to run a rediscovery.

With regards to the lighting issue, are these z-wave lights or Caseta lights? What are the names of the lights with the issue?

It would appear that your caseta system has been reset and you will need to reconnect. You can follow the link through your website emPower->Lights->link is in the warning message at the top.

I was having issues with the thermostat and schedules, they were not sending at all. The thermostat was staying with whatever was set at the control panel. Deleting and re adding it allowed me to reprogram the thermostat, but it appears the updates are not getting pushed and its staying with the default cool schedule that sets night mode to 76, and not 72.

As far as lights the Z-Wave ones, the Front Porch light, and the Mid Room outlets were still on after 1am last night. I was not sure if they were related or not.

In order to assist you, we will need to send over commands to rebuild your z-wave rules, however, this can only be done when your panel is unarmed. Is this possible currently?

Please note, this can only be done during normal business hours.

I have disarmed it.

We’ve sent the command. Please allow 20 minutes for that to finish.

We’re seeing some weak communication from the thermostat, which may be causing some of the trouble. It looks like it has lots of repeating nodes though. Have any AC powered Zwave devices been removed or moved before these issues started? It may also help to run a network rediscovery, especially if you have not done so since performing any work on the system.

Thanks that seemed to fix the schedules, I also relearned the network, can you check to see how the Z-Wave signals are on the thermostat now? I wish ADC had the ability to see this stuff online for the end user.

The thermostat sits about 8 - 10 inches from the panel so it would seem odd for a low signal unless it was trying to go through a switch or outlet. I had included a outdoor plugin switch but thought I had relearned it afterwards.

Thanks Again

All devices are reporting good connection currently. It may have been more of an issue with the panel radio than any individual devices.