Issue with master panel

Cannot clear alarms, I can clear any tamper alarms and power alarms as long as I take it apart and up plug the battery attached is a screenshot. As you can see there are no circles on these two. Also its beeping about every 15 to 20 minutes and there is no indication on what is going on.
I have powered this down multiple times and removed the battery to no avail

OK I resolved it by doing a Master Reset of Both Panels and re-adding the sensors one by one
All of these alerts cleared.

I am curious why no one called me since they should have been able to see that everything was offline. IS anyone actually monitoring any of this? I would have thought I would get a call at the very least to see if everything is OK

One other issue. I’m sure this is a setting, Since I reset the panel. Now when I opened a door, the panel would say for example the “sensor name” door is open, now it only chimes. I didn’t see a place to set this. Can you tell me where that setting is? All I see is different tones that I can set

I am curious why no one called me since they should have been able to see that everything was offline. IS anyone actually monitoring any of this? I would have thought I would get a call at the very least to see if everything is OK

24/7 monitoring is active on this account.

Monitoring operators do not call on this trouble condition. notifications would apply in this case.

Monitoring procedures can be found here

Since I reset the panel. Now when I opened a door, the panel would say for example the “sensor name” door is open, now it only chimes.

In sensor programming, check to ensure that voice prompts is on.

  • Settings > Adv. Settings > Enter Installer/Dealer Code > Installation > Devices > Security Sensors > Edit Sensor

Additionally, check in Sound to ensure that Voice Settings: Sensors and Voices are enabled.

  • Settings > Adv. Settings > Sound

I found it earlier also completed the upgrade