Is weather, etc., included in surety automate?

I downgraded to surety automate, and switched panels at the same time, and now I don’t have weather – but I’m unsure if someone just has to “push” it down once like has happened to others, or if it is a difference in the plan…

Also, I don’t seem to get any e-mail notifications from – is that is a difference in the plan? Or maybe I just don’t know how to use it (since I never got one when I was on surety home, either! :-)?

I’m very new to all this, trying to find the balance!

Thanks for any pointers!

– Rich

PS One last question – is there a way to find the currently registered panel IMEI from or Thanks!!!

PS One last question – is there a way to find the currently registered panel IMEI from or

That IMEI is not displayed anywhere, however I can confirm it for you.

However, you would have needed to know this IMEI in order to swap the panel. I’ve sent you the IMEI that is currently registered. Be sure it matches the panel you plan to use.

Weather is not included in Surety Automate.

For notifications, in the Automate plan, arming/disarming and alarms are not supported. You would need to set up sensor activity notifications in To get started and create some additional notifications login to and visit the Notifications page.

Thanks for the info, as always – this support forum is amazing – one more question – as I am figuring things out, if I switch plans back and forth, do I get charged each time I switch, or just once in the month for whichever plan was the most expensive used during the month? I’m just wondering how much experimenting I can safely do here! :slight_smile:

I have two panels one with IMEI ending in 444 and one with IMEI ending in 714 – 714 should be now connected.

I just created a sensor activity notification in (pantry door left open for more than 1 minute) and got the e-mail, thanks – that is just what I wanted!!!

do I get charged each time I switch, or just once in the month for whichever plan was the most expensive used during the month? I’m just wondering how much experimenting I can safely do here!

Going forward as you make changes it is set up so that you only get charged the prorated difference if your plan costs would increase above what you have already paid that month.

714 should be now connected

That is correct, it is.

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PS I did switch back to surety home just now – I love having the weather there!

One final question – everything is working great!

Would weather be included in the “Surety Alarm” plan, or only in the “Surety Home” plan?

(Just wondering if I can save $3/mo… :slight_smile: )

Thanks, again!

Weather to panel is not included in Alarm.

View the features included in service plans and compare them on our plans page here.

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