IQ2: Setup Wizard. Checking System... Error

Hi. I am hoping you guys can help. I opened up the box, got my IQ2 fired up and I updated the software/firmware no problem. Everything went great untilI got to the Checking System’ screen in the Setup Wizard. I hit ‘Retry’ and it just keeps saying the same thing. Is this unit DOA?

The Wizard does allow me to skip this step however it’s not recognizing any of my 2Gig sensors when I follow the instructions to learn them.

Here is my model number:
QS9201-1208-840 (Verizon)

I also checked the IMEI, and it’s good.

{Excellent! Your Verizon 4G LTE module can be activated!}

Never mind. All fixed. I had to add the new IMEI to the surety backend. Done! Now if the sensors would learn. Still not sure why they wont. I am testing 3 sensors, all laid out on the table next to the IQ, and I am opening/closing them…nothing. Any ideas?

The Wizard does allow me to skip this step however it’s not recognizing any of my 2Gig sensors when I follow the instructions to learn them.

Here is my model number:
QS9201-1208-840 (Verizon)

That Qolsys IQ Panel 2+ is a 319.5Mhz model for use with GE/Qolsys sensors. It would not be compatible with 2GIG or Honeywell Sensors, which are 345Mhz.

A 345Mhz model of the IQ Panel 2+ is available, model QS9201-5208-840

We sell the 345Mhz model here.