IQ2 replace Concord System Questions

I purchased a IQ2 system through Surety to replace my Concord systems with a 3G modem. I am ready to install at this point and have a few questions.

What order do I need to do the install in? Do I need to swap the system in my Surety Control Panel then start, or should I start adding sensors to the IQ2 then swap when I am ready? I have about 70+ wireless sensors (guy who had the house before me was a bit paranoid) so this is a pretty big job. I guess there is no way to import them from the Concord to the IQ2 through Surety or

Any help or directions on what order I should do all this would be appreciated!

That would be a fun install in my option

Happy to assist!

You can add sensors to the IQ Panel before or after connecting the panel to on the back end. Its up to you.

When you pair 319.5MHz RF sensors to the IQ Panel they do not need to be removed from the Concord first, they can be tied to both systems simultaneously.

Keep in mind, if you trigger a sensor, it will report on both the IQ Panel and the Concord, so you could potentially cause an alarm state on the Concord when tying sensors into the IQ Panel.

But this gives you a chance to test functionality on the IQ Panel 2 before tying it to service. Keeping the Concord disarmed and your 24/7 professional monitoring account on test mode should prevent any alarms/false dispatches during this time.

*319.5 RF Sensor Programming
All 319.5Mhz wireless sensors paired to the Concord 4 will need to be manually programmed into the IQ Panel 2+. Unfortunately, there is no way to automate this.

See this programming guide for more information on how to program sensors into the IQ Panel 2+:

*24/7 Monitoring
If you are using 24/7 professional monitoring through Surety, place the account on test mode, to avoid false alarms, when you are pairing or testing sensors. This can be done via the Professional Monitoring tab in the System Manager feature of your Surety account.

*Ready to begin using IQ Panel
When you are ready to begin using the IQ Panel 2 system with service, you can tie it to your account via the System Manager feature of your Surety account. From there you will enter the 15-digit IMEI module number. This will associated the IQ Panel with your account.

*Z-Wave Devices
Z-Wave devices can only be paired to one system at a time. You will want to clear them from the network then add them to the new IQ Panel network. Both clearing and pairing can be done from the IQ Panel. Steps below:

If u do it this way it would actually make it easier as u could walk through the whole home programming each sensor before u mount the new panel so that ur not having to run back and forth or too if u want to go ahead and power down the concord u could as well so as ur learning the new sensors in u don’t have to worry about tripping the concord 4 system

Thanks for the help, exactly what I needed. One issue is when I first boot up the IQ2 panel it does a check where it downloads system settings from the cloud and fails. Is this because it is not set up yet in It is connected to my WIFI and everything tested good when I booted it up. It gives me the option to skip this step after failure.

Also, will I have a bunch of dead sensors and notifications set up on when I move over to the IQ2, or will remove all of the old stuff?

Thanks for the help, exactly what I needed. One issue is when I first boot up the IQ2 panel it does a check where it downloads system settings from the cloud and fails. Is this because it is not set up yet in

Correct, the system needs to be paired to ADC before being able to download firmware.

Also, will I have a bunch of dead sensors and notifications set up on when I move over to the IQ2, or will remove all of the old stuff?

I’m not sure what you mean by dead sensors, do you currently have sensors not reporting?

Once you swap from the Concord to the IQ Panel 2 in ADC, ADC will reflect whatever is paired to the panel (after swapping the IMEI and running a cell test). So if you have a sensor reporting a tamper or a malfunction at the panel, that will be reflected in

Thanks, that makes sense, what I was trying to say was would I have double the sensors in my account, a set from the old panel and a set from the new, but I did not get it worded right. You answered that, Thanks!

Thanks, that makes sense, what I was trying to say was would I have double the sensors in my account, a set from the old panel and a set from the new, but I did not get it worded right

Oh gotcha. After switching in System Manager and connecting the new panel, you should just have the one instance of each sensor, whatever is paired to the IQ Panel at the time.

Everything is in place and working but have one more issue. Somehow some of the names in the web page have gotten messed up. For instance I have two basement flood sensors and when I set one off as a test, my panel announces Basement Flood sensor but the text/email I get shows one of the basement window sensors.

Is there a way for to clear all of the names of sensors (that I likely changed at one point in the past on the concord) and re-download from the IQ panel? Or will I have to trip each sensor again and rename them on

I think I figured out what to do. They are in the same order that I added them on the IQ2 and They have the same number so now I can match them up easy.

U will like the IQ panel a lot more than the Concord4

Commands can be sent to pull sensor names directly from the IQ Panel 2 if you would prefer. Just let us know and we can proceed with this.

I think I am good now, I just matched it up by device ID and I am pretty sure it is right. If I run across any more that are incorrect I will just have you do that. Thanks!

A post was split to a new topic: Concord Sensor names