IQ Remote PowerG default code?

Just received the IQ Remote PowerG and cannot access the settings menu.

What is the default user code? I have tried 1111, 2222 and the codes associated with my IQ Panel 4.

Settings is accessed from the pull down tray at the top of the home screen. Settings is accessed via the Dealer, Installer, or Master User codes.

The IQ-PG doesn’t have default codes, it pulls codes from the panel it is paired to. The settings tray cannot be accessed until the IQ-PG is paired with the main panel.

Please see my other post ( IQ Remote PowerG Pairing Issues ) as the IQ Remote PowerG panel does not seem to be pairing correctly with the IQ Panel 4.

I am using the Add Sensor / Auto Learn via PowerG not WiFi Method.

The IQ Panel 4 finds the IQ Remote PowerG and is added to the system. That is as far as I seem to get.

You shouldn’t need to select anything, the default settings allow you to arm/disarm from the iq-pg. The below are the defaults from a fresh pairing where the keypad was paired via auto learn mode using the PowerG pairing button from the IQPG:

Sensor DLID: xxx-xxxx
Sensor Type: Keypad
Sensor Group: 0-Fixed Intrusion
Sensor Name: As Desired
Chime Type: None
Voice Prompts: On
Source: PowerG

Can you post a picture of the IQPG home screen? What FW is your main panel on?