IQ Panel and Z-Wave Question

I am going to be getting an IQ Panel through LiveWatch this week. I saw that it supports Z-Wave and was curious - has anyone used a third-party Z-Wave device not listed on Qolsys’ web-site and have been able to turn lights on/off? I know that compatibility with devices not listed on their web site is an area of “your mileage may vary”, but was curious if Qolsys “hardcodes” devices they have tested in stone in firmware, or if it’s fairly interoperable past devices that they or LiveWatch may sell.

Thanks for any feedback you can provide!

With thermostats and locks especially, you will want to stick to what is included in the list. Those not included will likely not function.

Lights can be a different story, given their relative simplicity and common Zwave command class, but it is certainly a mileage may vary situation.

Qolsys is good about updating documentation to account for tested devices and compatibility.

I would generally recommend sticking to the devices in their documentation listed as compatible.

Does Qolsys publish what z-wave command classes they actually support (for example, see )? I’ve tried one or two more exotic z-wave widgets and while they will enroll, they enroll incorrectly (such as a Monoprice in-wall light controller enrolling as a siren, a Monoprice curtain controller enrolling as a light switch, etc.). I find the “official” supported devices somewhat limiting, but like you stated have reasonable luck with the simpler switches and duplex outlets.

Command class does mostly determine compatibility, but it isn’t the only thing. However, to my knowledge, no they do not publish that info.

The curtain controller enrolling as a light switch makes sense, as it would be the closest analog the panel has and likely shares command class with certain lights.

In future versions of the IQ Firmware, additional controllers will be able to be implemented in the same fashion as with 2GIG. I’m not sure when the full compatibility will be there, the controls are available on the panel in 1.5.3 but the functionality does not yet work. (I have no idea why they added the controls prior to them functioning, but I’m betting it was a mistake)