IQ Panel active sensors

However, each of the zones on the TAKE is showing a low battery error. I ordered a new 12v backup battery in case the old one wasn’t charging. I’ve had it on the system for about 20 hours, and it is still showing low battery on each of those zones.

If you reboot the alarm panel does that status come back after a period of time or does it clear and remain cleared?

Additionally, I now have one sensor that is randomly triggering as “Open”. It is a wireless window sensor. It’s possible that it is a range issue, but I have wireless sensors that are further away that are working properly. It does not show a low battery error.

What is the zone name and what model of sensor is it?

Finally, my IQ Remote Secondary panel disconnects from my main panel frequently. It also seems like it may disconnect when the screensaver is on, then reconnect when it is woken with a touch.

Have you tried connecting the IQ Remote to the IQ Panel as an access point? You would use the IQ Panel access point network on the IQ Remote instead of your normal wifi.

Settings > Advanced Settings > Installation > Devices > Wifi > Access Point Settings. Enable Access Point and then you can connect the IQ Remote to the IQ Panel 2 network.

I rebooted the panel and the sensors are still showing low battery. I checked the new battery and it is putting out proper voltage.

The misbehaving sensor is a DW10 and is labeled Guest Bath Window.

I did the access point setup. I’ll see if connectivity improves.

I’m not seeing any low battery status this morning for those zones. It looks like they resolved recently. Can you confirm?

For Guest Bath Window, that zone is actually reporting as a Honeywell sensor RF not 2GIG. The IQ panel 2+ reports differentiate between the two.

Can you double check the TXID for that zone in the panel and make sure the DW10 TXID is set for that zone? If it doesn’t match, it is possible a motion or other sensor was accidentally learned in for that zone.

Yes, it appears that the low battery errors have now cleared out.

I’ll double check the sensor when I get home. It actually set off the alarm early this morning. My wife was running and didn’t get the call. I had the pleasure of greeting a very nice police officer at the door in my robe. It was quite the comedy of errors.

I broke the sensor when removing it to find the ID. Which sensor is compatible with my system for a replacement?

Also, are the thermostats back in stock? Mine are due for an upgrade.

I broke the sensor when removing it to find the ID. Which sensor is compatible with my system for a replacement?

Oh no! Well, there are a couple options, you can go with the DW10 since you have a 345 version of the IQ Panel, or you can go PowerG.

Also, are the thermostats back in stock? Mine are due for an upgrade.

T3000 is available here.