IQ Panel 4 Siren

So I noticed the siren on my system is too low and when I disarm the system, I noticed my system volume is lowered down from max. What could be the cause of this?

Volume settings can be found under Settings > Advanced Settings > Sound.

If the sound is not responding to the levels, try Settings > Advanced Settings > Power Down. Leave it off for 20 minutes, then boot it back up.

So for regular use like chimes, arming, the volume stays as set. And the siren, when I run the panel test under advanced settings, the siren does sound loud, but when I actually trip a sensor it doesn’t sound as loud. Could this be because I have siren announciations on? Since it is running both siren and voice at the same time?

Could this be because I have siren announciations on? Since it is running both siren and voice at the same time?

That’s possible, though I haven’t noticed a specific drop in volume, have you tried turning those off? Those are found in the Sirens and Alarms menu.

Please be sure to try the extended power down though. That’s not just a random suggestion.

We’re all good now. Thank you

So since last time the siren is back to not really being loud. It’s lower than that of the IQ 2. Also, when the system is disarmed after an alarm, the master volume seems to lower down automatically. Is my panel faulty?

How is the panel powered? Is it using the inlcuded power supply and cable that came with the panel?

Can you test voltage at the power supply with a multimeter? What does it read?

Also, when the system is disarmed after an alarm, the master volume seems to lower down automatically. Is my panel faulty?

Is the volume slider actually at a decreased number after disarm? Or does the sound just appear quieter?

Yes it is using the included power supply. I can’t test it because I don’t have a meter. And yes, the slider is lowered down when I go check the volume

And cable as well

Thank you for that informaiton. Was the panel powered down for a period of time as suggested above?

The volume slider that decreases on its own, is this the main slider found in the settings tray? If you turn this all the way up, does it drop down by a specific amount each time the system is disarmed?

Is this intermittent or does it happen everytime you disarm?

Yes I did power it down for the time suggested. And the it is the slider when you slide down from the clock. This only happens after I disarm after an alarm and the two way voice kicks in.

Thank you for that information. I am checking to see if I am able to recreate the volume slider issue, as this may be related to 2-Way voice. I have also reached out to Qolsys regarding this issue and I will follow up as soon as I have additional information.

Do you think this can also be related to the siren output? Since both siren and other sounds come out through the same speakers?

Do you think this can also be related to the siren output? Since both siren and other sounds come out through the same speakers?

Siren volume is not controlled, it is fixed. Aside from the ability to enable/disable sirens (Installation > Sirens and Alarms) you cannot control the volume of the 85dB Siren.

Okay, hopefully we get a reply from Qolsys

Still waiting on confrimation from qolsys regarding the volume slider decrease post alarm event. Will follow up as soon as we have that information.

Okay sounds good

Qolsys reports that the volume slider in the settings tray will be turned down during the alarm with 2-way active by design.

Okay thank you