IQ Panel 4 5.0 Network to 2.4 Network


I have an IQ Panel 4 and an IQ Remote PowerG both attached and paired on my 5.0Ghz network. I would like to be able to change both over to my 2.4GHz network.

Could you please recommend the steps needed to change them over and re-pair the two panels together.


There shouldn’t be any need to pair them again, you can just go into the wifi settings for each and connect them to a unique 2.4Ghz SSID.

Settings > Advanced Settings > Wifi on the IQ Panel 4.

Settings > Wifi on the IQ Remote PowerG

They will be able to reconnect once both are on the same network.

Alternatively you can use the IQ Panel 4 Access Point mode and connect the IQ Remote to that instead of your home 2.4Ghz network. That would be on the panel under Settings > Advanced Settings > installer code > Installation > Devices > Wifi Devices > Access Point Settings.

Thanks for this response. I need to move them off the 5.0Ghz network because they might be causing some side channel interference with other devices operating on that band.