IQ 4.3.0 taking a picture every 24 hours

Puzzled by this one! After upgrading using the patch tag my panel is now taking a peek in picture every 24 hours (give or take a minute). I rebooted and it’s continuing this behavior 24 hours after the reboot. Help please! I can’t find any settings that seem related to this

This is a locally saved photo and is part of a daily check. From the firmware update bulletin:

“System Check now takes a daily picture from the Panel Camera as part of its 24 hour system test. This picture is stored locally on the panel”

Thank you! Sorry I failed the reading comprehension test there on the bulletin.

Sort of a weird/undesirable feature from a privacy perspective, even if only stored locally

Sort of a weird/undesirable feature from a privacy perspective, even if only stored locally

Yeah I did a double take reading that the first time. It’s meant as supervision checks for the camera I believe, and since it can already do photos on disarm, I guess they assume its location will not have privacy issues in the background.

Happy to send feedback to Qolsys!

Thanks - would be great to pass along the feedback to Qolsys!

It’s possible to turn off the disarm photo (which I have); the only reason I’ve left the camera enabled is for verifying alarm events - would be nice if this new behavior could also be turned off in the future.

Thanks again