IQ 2+ w/Zwave 6.81 patch won't include August Smartlock Pro Gen3

I installed the Qolsys Zwave patch 6.81.03 to my Qolsys IQ Panel 2+ (f/w 2.5.2). Afterwards, my August Smartlock Pro Gen3 locks will not include to the panel. They worked fine prior to the patch (from the panel, the ADC app, and the August app). I did exclude the locks prior to patch installation, as advised.

During the include routine, the panel only shows that it is looking for the device with the ability to cancel. After about a minute or so, the August app throws an alert that says it has included the lock using S0 security and to consider upgrading my hub to S2 (the patch is supposed to support S2). The panel keeps on looking for a device. If I don’t cancel on the panel, the panel throws an error 514 “Operation Failed” after another minute or so. No add screen is presented and no lock screen is created.

But, if I do cancel on the panel, the panel throws a different error 515 “The device failed to pair in securely”. In this case, the panel presents the add device screen. Pressing “add”, the lock screen is created. When I try to access the lock from the lock screen, the panel throws and error “The operation is not permitted due to device paired in non secure mode. You must delete and repair device to operate.”

I always exclude the lock using the clear device function from the panel and from the August app before trying again. And again. I’ve even tried holding the lock within inches of the panel during the include routine to make sure it’s not a distance issue. I’ve rebooting the panel many times, reinstalled the August app, had August push the latest f/w to the locks, rebooted by iPhone (per August)… all to no avail. But, again, the locks used to work prior to the patch. I’ve asked my current DIY provider to roll-back the patch so I can at least have my locks back to working and they are trying to get Qolsys to engage on the issue. Now starting month number 2 of trying to get them to resolve it with me.

Any thoughts?

oh no, another lock “bytes” the dust with the 6.81 SDK? I just recently had to swap out my Schlage lock after the same SDK update. The thing is, it enrolled ok, but worked 90% of the time instead (i.e. didn’t always lock when I wanted it to lock, and didn’t always tell me it locked after it actually locked). Hopefully yours is just an isolated incident that can be solved without changing your brand of lock!

As of 2.5.1, the August AUG-SL-CON-S03 is listed as tested compatible by Qolsys, so its possible there is something that broke that compatibility between the lock and panel with the patch. Unfortunately, I am unable to test with that configuration.

Has there been any resolve to this?
I have the same issue.
Can we roll back the z wave version?

Firmware 2.5.3 resolved many issues with 6.81 (can’t rollback, no) and it looks like you have that version. Also, it looks like you have a newly and successfully added August lock. Were you able to add this lock you are referencing?

@jwcsurety I have a second panel that I was playing with I was able to take the Z-Wave card out of that and replace the other one because I remembered that I did not update that Z-Wave card. Spent several hours late into the evening Saturday night, finally had some time to myself, lol. Redoing my Z-Wave Network which had been severely broken since that Z-Wave card update even with 2.5.3 did not work right at all, lost the ability to open and close my garage, lock the door, and so forth. Even still, since I’ve rolled back I still am having trouble having the Z-Wave work correctly with the driveway door, that lock is just not consistent. I don’t know somewhere along the line the software went sour on this thing, it used to be Rock solid every time I armed and disarmed the lock function perfectly. Then somewhere along the line with the updates it all went to heck.
I’m getting ready to trash the panel because I’m so frustrated by it, it was a good panel at one time but lately since last several updates have really broken the thing.

I see, sorry to hear so many frustrations, but I appreciate your follow up. Would it be ok for me to share this feedback with Qolsys?

They take feedback very seriously in my experience, and are very quick to fix bugs wherever possible.

Z-wave S2 has definitely seen a fair share of issues with the 6.81 rollout, mostly surrounding locks that we’ve seen. Early on there was an issue adding S2 thermostats but that was patched a while ago.

There may also be issues with device interaction or incompatible devices. Out of curiosity, what is the device model for the Z-wave switch set as node 10? Named “Front Door Light”

@jwcsurety Sure, by all means please share the feedback. Of note my Go Control garage door openers which worked flawlessly before don’t respond to open commands either.
The light switch shows as a double switch on the panel but not in the ADP app. So I had to choose which light I wanted to control via the app and wire accordingly.
Here is a link to the light switch Light switch
and a link to the instructions
Switch PDF
Thanks, as always, for your attention! Joe

@jwcsurety think I mentioned this previously, but the Instant arm feature is broken as well I don’t recall which update messed it up, but it only uses the count down timer now to arm, and that stinks.

@jwcsurety Do you think I should Nuke the panel and start as a fresh install ? It would be a major PITA. If you think it would help I would be willing to try it.

I think if you are having sustained issues I would recommend trying to reset the Z-wave network, delete all Z-wave devices, and add them back, repeating AC devices first, but do not pair the Vision device. As a test just try everything else. If it isn’t on the compatible devices list, do not pair it.

That device is definitely not on the compatibility list, and I’ve seen sporadic reports of multi-function devices causing issues with routing in the past with more than just the Qolsys panel.

think I mentioned this previously, but the Instant arm feature is broken as well I don’t recall which update messed it up, but it only uses the count down timer now to arm, and that stinks.

This is intentional, a countdown was added for remote commands when Scenes are enabled at the panel.

@jwcsurety The front door switch was there before and I never had any issues. IDK
The countdown really sucks I hate it.
The instant arm was great especially in the middle of the night. Silent.
The panel does random things as well.
Yesterday I had a false alarm trigger, and when I came home the panel was back to announcing all the sensor activations again.
What is repeating AC device?

@jwcsurety there was like a 6 minute delay of the panel reporting that I had unlocked the door this AM ??

The front door switch was there before and I never had any issues

It may not have presented issues previously, but firmware updates and changes to Z-wave support would not account for unsupported devices, so it is possible that routing through it could change. I can’t guarantee that, but given strange activity with the network, removing any unsupported device would be the first step I would try.

IDK The countdown really sucks I hate it.

You should be able to get rid of that by disabling Scenes control at the panel. Settings > Advanced Settings > Installation > Installer Settings > Scenes Support

Yesterday I had a false alarm trigger, and when I came home the panel was back to announcing all the sensor activations again.

This would be normal if you had an alarm and the panel was not disarmed yet. The panel would register an alarm upon opening another zone like a door and the siren would kick back in from timeout.

Or are you referencing chimes?

What is repeating AC device?

Light Switches, AC powered Thermostats. These are devices that repeat the Z-wave signal. If any of your devices use NWI it would be important to add the closer devices first, but I would typically recommend doing it that way regardless, then run a network rediscovery when done.

there was like a 6 minute delay of the panel reporting that I had unlocked the door this AM ??

If you are having issues with controlling the door lock, status signals are likely to also experience issues. Troubleshooting the network and resetting the Z-wave radio would be the best step. It is a pain, but there are a handful of devices on the network which are reporting poor signal link quality right now, including the Garage Doors, the “Garage Thermostat,” and “Garage Repeater.”

It looks like devices in that general area are having a lot of trouble communicating with the panel right now.

@jwcsurety I have not added those garage items back since I switched the Z wave card. The Openers are 13 feet in the air and I have no way right now to reach them safely. I will add the thermostat back later but my panel is hard wired thru the wall to an outlet. Again I am lucky to have a second “test panel” I use the spare cord to my panel’s power brick, because they changed supply voltages along way too. so that brick doesn’t work :rage: