Integrating old panel?

Hello. I currently own the IQ2+ Panel with a few wireless sensors. I will soon be moving and taking the system with me and was wondering if I can somehow use the home’s old alarm sensors. I believe I only saw hardwired sensors at the doors and windows with some motion sensors. I have yet to check the models though.

I’ve included some pictures of it helps. I’m hoping I can reuse the sensors somehow.

Thank you!

Yes, there are multiple options. In your case you could use a PowerG Hardwire Translator or the 319.5Mhz IQ Hardwire 16F.

Both are the same concept. They replace the old wired panel and translate the wired zone activity into wireless signals to your panel.

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Thank you for the solutions. Looks like I can install the small enclosure version in the existing panel. I watched a quick video and it looks pretty straightforward. Only thing I’m not sure of is installing the resistors but I can YouTube that as well.

I appreciate the help again. I’ll be back soon to help my brother set up his system but I think his house came with a mix of wired and wireless ADT sensors.

If using the Hardwire 16F (large or small enclosure) the best practice would be to use the default resistance setting and just physically replace all the existing resistors with the included ones. I would always recommend this as the easier option.

The resistors are spliced on one end of the circuit, in series.

There is an option to learn each circuit’s resistance and use existing (1k - 10k) resistors, but the installation steps are a bit more fragile and a mistake on one zone resistance learning can result in needing to reset all zones.