Install Qolsys IQ panel 2 this weekend - Setup Questions

I was finally able to get a refund from another vendor and ordered my new Qolsys IQ Panel 2 system from SuretyCAM. I was extremely dissatisfied with their support and found this site after I had already ordered. I’ve read through many posts and have already learned a lot but I have a question:

When I get my panel and pre-programmed sensors (plus camera, etc.) should I install all the hardware first or run the Radio Status and Cell Phone Test without having installed the panel and sensors in their final locations?

When I get my panel and pre-programmed sensors (plus camera, etc.) should I install all the hardware first or run the Radio Status and Cell Phone Test without having installed the panel and sensors in their final locations?

It is always best to run a cell test and check your intended panel location for cellular signal strength first before physically installing the panel. 2 bars or better is typically desired. You can see this quickly on an IQ Panel 2 by swiping down from the top of the home screen.

You can then test to make sure sensors function fine from their locations before final install, but this would typically only be necessary in the furthest sensors or those near or attached to lots of metal. Sensor signal can also be affected greatly by just a few inches when it comes to environmental materials, so testing is typically best performed when installed.


Thanks, Jason. You guys have been great. Wish I had found you before I ordered my stuff (and subsequently cancelled) from another vendor. I like the fact that I can get tech support in the forum. As an application support guy myself, I really appreciate the professionalism and technical knowledge you guys have and the assistance you provide.

We appreciate the feedback and we are always happy to help!

Don’t forget if you’re mounting against the wall you do want to drill that hole through the wall for your cellular antenna. Don’t leave it inside the panel.

For me this made a 1 bar difference in my install locaiton.

Thanks @Donato.

I saw the install videos from Qolsys previously and I hadn’t even thought about leaving the antenna wire outside the wall; I read somewhere (maybe in another post in the forum) that the antenna in the wall would make a difference in cell reception. I did note a +1 bar from when I was testing the location before mounting and once it was installed.