How to Wire the ADC-VDB750 to a chime (Mechanical or Digital)

The Video Doorbell (ADC-VDB750) is wired in the same configuration for both mechanical and digital chimes for ease of installation. It can be powered by an AC transformer with a power rating of 16-24VAC, 10-40VA or a DC power supply with a power rating of 15-24VDC, 6-20W.

Important : For installations with a digital chime, the ADC-VDB750 power module (SKU: ADC-VDBA-PM-750) is required.

Pre-installation checklist

Working doorbell check

A wired doorbell circuit is required to provide power to the Video Doorbell. First, verify the existing wired doorbell is working and that it is wired properly. There is a power issue if the existing doorbell does not ring the indoor chime when the button is pressed. This issue must be addressed before beginning the Video Doorbell installation process.

Wired doorbell check

Verify the existing doorbell is wired by visually inspecting the doorbell button for wires. If necessary, the doorbell can be removed from the wall to check for wiring. You can also inspect the chime inside the home – a chime plugged into a power outlet might indicate an incompatible wireless doorbell system is in place.

Wire the ADC-VDB750 to a mechanical chime

To wire the ADC-VDB750 to a mechanical chime using an AC transformer:

After wiring the doorbell to the transformer, wire the doorbell to the front or rear terminal of the mechanical chime.

Note: If the doorbell hums or buzzes, attach the resistor provided between the chime terminals used by the ADC-VDB750 and the transformer.

To wire the ADC-VDB750 to a mechanical chime using a DC adapter:

After wiring the DC adapter to the doorbell and trans terminal of the chime, wire the doorbell to the front or rear terminal of the chime.

To wire the ADC-VDB750 to a digital chime:

After wiring the doorbell to the transformer and chime, attach the white wires of the power module interchangeably to the same terminals as the transformer and doorbell.

More information on how to install the VDB750 can be found here: