How To Create a Video Analytics notification for the ADC-VDB750

Create a Video Analytics notification via the Website

  1. Log into the Customer Website.
  2. Click Video.
  3. Click Recording Rules.
  4. Click New Recording Rule, or click Edit Pencil to edit an existing notification.
  5. Click Video Analytics.
  6. Click to select the ADC-VDB750.
  7. Click Next.
  8. In Notify Recipients, click to select the desired users to be notified.
  9. Configure the rest of the rule as desired.
  10. Click Save.

Create a Video Analytics notification via the Mobile App

  1. Log into the Customer app.
  2. Tap Video.
  3. Tap Settings Gear.
  4. Tap Recording Rules.
  5. Tap Add New Rule, or tap Edit Pencil to edit an existing notification.
  6. Tap Video Analytics.
  7. Tap to select the ADC-VDB750.
  8. Tap Next.
  9. In Notify Recipients, tap to select the desired users to be notified.
  10. Configure the rest of the rule as desired.
  11. Tap Save.

For more information about how to configure a Video Analytics rule, see this page here:

For more information on setting up and using the VDB750, see this page here: