How to confirm/update pass phrase

Evidently there is some inconsistency with my pass phrase on file with central station. They told me to update it on your website, but I don’t see a place to do that. Also the central station folks were rude telling me the phrase was close, but then they hung up and dispatched fire department anyway. There was no supervisor around to escalate to, also very unacceptable.

email (be sure to include acct #):

but then they hung up and dispatched fire department anyway. There was no supervisor around to escalate to, also very unacceptable.

Sounds acceptable to me. You failed to provide the acct passcode, and could not be authenticated. No escalation, no cancel of dispatch. (The Central Station is Monitoring America CO-OP, and protocol is to immediately dispatch for fire alarm events)

If you give the wrong passcode in an alarm event, dispatch will occur, as that is what they are supposed to do.

Please email and a representative will be happy to update your password for you during business hours.

I apologize if anyone was rude. We will review the audio of the conversation and take appropriate action if the agent was out of line.

It was not so much a bogus pass phrase evidently the verb or something was said wrong it is not like I just made up something, also what I said is what I have said many times before without issue. They even told the fire department it was a false alarm, so what the hell? I would understand maybe if it were a burglary where maybe I was being held by bug,ar that I was triggering a duress code, but for a fire alarm? I also disable PD the panel immediately. I understand safety first, but one word ether interpreted wrong or whatever is nuts.

No offense guys, but you need to have a portal to update this info, I have been arguing with them all weekend on this. Evidently some verb is wrong all of a sudden and they say they will dispatch the fire department every time the detector goes off. So for me I either need to disable the entire system or remove the smoke detector. I can;t even see what my account number is online?

I agree. We’re actually working on getting that capability on our website and expect it to be ready in the near future. Our website is far from perfect but we’re working on improving it. Thanks for the feedback.

If you have a smoke detector that is false alarming you should disable it until the problem is resolved. You can delete it from the control panel or change the sensor type. Or you can just take the batteries out of the smoke detector.

I deleted it, not sure it is truly malfunctioning or just too sensitive. I will call office tomorrow to get pass phrase straightens out, but honesty I may move on. This experience showed me I need a more fuller customer service experience. I was not pleased it’s the central station’s attitude. Clearly I have used the phrase in the past when alarms have tripped, so I am not sure what change lately. I understand the security aspect of the pass phrase, but in some cases they need a secondary verification. If it were an intrusion I get it, I could be held at gun point, but a fire alarm? Especially when they dispatched the fire department and told them it was a false alarm. The fire department told me they questioned them why if it is a false alarm, but went as they have too.

understand the security aspect of the pass phrase, but in some cases they need a secondary verification. If it were an intrusion I get it, I could be held at gun point, but a fire alarm? Especially when they dispatched the fire department and told them it was a false alarm. The fire department told me they questioned them why if it is a false alarm, but went as they have too.

Many jurisdictions will not even respond to an unverified intrusion alarm. As far as the authorities are concerned, a fire alarm is a potentially life threatening event, where a burglary alarm is not.

There are very strict protocols in place for Central Stations, and it is the same everywhere.

Here are the fire codes: NFPA 72

This is the CSAA (Central Station Alarm Assoc) alarm verification and notification procedure (telephone and 2way voice over cellular are effectively the same):

In a nutshell, failure to provide passcode means you are not authorized to cancel a dispatch. Period.

I don’t need to be lectured on my passphrase I have confirmed the passphrase with the weblink customer service has provided and it is correct as it has been since I enrolled and yet the central station is rufusing to accept it. This is clearly a issue with the central station. I have sent a screen shot of the web page from the order with the correct pass phrase to your customer service and asked that the service be immediately terminated so I can get the next provider involved. I sent emails to your customer service and asked for a call and all I get is an email. At this point I need a provider that is customer service oriented. In the mean time you are putting my family at risk with such poor service.

I’m really sad to hear you’ve had a bad experience. suretyDIY customer service is only online. I took a look at the emails and the audio. In the recent cases, additional words are being added to the passcode originally set up. The central station is not accepting the code due to the additional words, but I understand the frustration. Customer service will be happy to assist with cancellation during business hours.

If you are looking at the survey form you originally filled out, the codes accepted by the central station would be labeled “Location Password” and the passwords that are associated with each contact.

Listen to Sunday and tonight I spoke the one on the order form.

So how long do I need to wait before I can get panel signed up with another provider? And is there a delay or process before I can reuse my email address?

you can check the module here. Once it no longer states your cell module is registered, you can have it re-registered wherever.

Thanks. There is just too much confusion that is unacceptable so I need to leave. I have been using same phrase and then all of a sudden the station is not accepting it. There have been 2 or 3 other alarms over the last year that used the phrase I used this weekend, now all of a sudden the phrase does not match. I don’t want to argue with anyone. I decided I need a company that I can reach via phone when I need them not play email tag. I will say the folks on this forum have been amazing.

Good luck.

Speaking to another monitoring service they mentioned wanting to replace the cellular module because is notorious for not releasing the panel in a timely fashion, delaying how long I have to wait for new service. I assume that link provided is telling me when has released the module, what is the expectation for ADC to process the disconnect?

Your module will be released immediately once your cancellation is processed. While some providers do lock modules from release, we believe your equipment is yours with which to do as you please. Again, processing of cancellation is done by customer service during business hours. I would expect that your module will be available shortly after our office opens this morning at 9am EST.