How does suretydiy change my installer codes remotely

I just signed up for service and am trying to do a cellphone test, this of course circles me back to my initial problem, I don’t have the installer code, it is not the default. Can you guys reset this prior to a cell test??

Running a cell phone test triggers the module’s connection to cellular carrier service and opens initial communication with On a 2GIG Panel, this will also trigger automatic commands to unlock Q44, 45, and default the installer code. These commands are sent along with other initial connection commands within roughly 20 minutes of a successful cell test.

Please note that there are two ways to run a cell phone test. While one requires the installer code, the other uses the master user code. When you receive your welcome email it should include this video that shows both ways of running a cell phone test.

Thanks for the quick reply. When I get to the test screen there is only a telephone test available. The slot where the cell phone test is supposed to be is empty???

This indicates that your alarm panel does not see a cell module attached. This could mean one of a number of things.

Is this a new module? Is the module installed?
Was the module installed while the panel was powered up? (It should not be)
Have you used this panel before with another service provider?

An easy first test is to power cycle the panel. You can do so by unplugging the wall transformer and then opening the panel and unplugging the battery. Wait 30 seconds, then plug in the battery, close up the panel and plug in the wall transformer.

After a minute try going back into the menu, do you see the Cell Phone Test option?

We purchased the house in February. It was setup with protection 1 with the the previous owner. I did what you said to reset it. Still no cell test. Only telephone test shows

Anyway I can get a reply to this? I’m trying to figure this out today. Thank you in advance.

Can you verify that a module is currently installed? The communicators are modular and can be removed. See this video.

If the module is physically present, the next step would be to try reseating the module. Power the system down fully and disconnect the cell module. Follow the steps in the above video to re-install. Afterward power up and check for the Cell Phone Test option. Any luck?

If not, what version of firmware is your panel running? This video shows where to find the firmware version.

Module is present. Reseated it. Still no cell phone button. Firmware version is 1.13

Hmm. Looks like the module on this account is a CDMA, so that firmware would be fine for it to function. That would likely leave two possibilities:

  1. Non-functioning module. The module may be damaged or may be otherwise defective. You could test another module to see if it works. We offer Verizon and AT&T modules and have a 30 day return policy should this not resolve the issue.

  2. At firmware 1.10 and later, an option was added to firmware, Q91, which can be used to change the back-end carrier module provider (added support for a couple different provider modules). An unscrupulous dealer may use this when the old account is cancelled to effectively brick a system by setting Q91 to no longer look for an module and locking programming with Q44, 45. I don’t recall this actually occurring yet with any system I’ve seen, but it is possible.