Honeywell sensors not working

Are there any known issues with the Honeywell 5811s and 5818 recessed door contacts with the GC3 panel? I can get them to enroll just fine but in regular use some don’t report back to the panel correctly. The 5818 on my front door rarely reports when is opened and when it does it usually won’t show as closed again until on the panel. Same with some 5811s. But what’s weird is one sliding door in my living room shows just fine the status (and almost immediately) but the door on the other side of the room barely ever shows the correct status (mostly won’t show when it opens). Just today I installed a 2gig repeater in the center of the house (down the hall from the 2gig panel and about 10 feet from both the front door and the living room doors). I don’t think there is any setup with the repeater, it looked like it’s just a plug and play type of device.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Oh also, I put a 5816 on my front door until the repeater got here and the 5816 hasn’t had any problems whatsoever reporting to the panel.

This sounds like it may be a loop number problem. Make sure you are setting the correct loop per sensor manufacturer instructions.

Both of those models should be loop 1.

Does this resolve the issue for you?

All the loop numbers were correct. They would occasionally work but rarely. I moved the main panel itself into the foyer where I had put the repeater and so far that has resolved all of my problems. Everything seems to be working like it should. But isn’t that what the repeater should have done? The repeater is in the foyer too (pretty much the same place I moved the panel to). Is there a setup step for the repeater on the main panel I didn’t do?

Also I want to add that the repeater is the 2gig one in case I didn’t say before.

If you are referring to the 2GIG-RPTR1-345, there should be nothing needed other than plugging it in.

Are your doors metal? A recessed contact may have a lot of trouble on a metal door, as can thinner sensors with small antennae, but a larger 5816 might be raised off the metal enough to signal.

Or was the panel previously mounted on or very close to a large amount of metal?

Our sliding doors are all metal (thin metal but still). So that could definitely be the issue. Now that I think about it, I don’t think I had these issues with the 5816s on those doors. I had to replace them with the 5811s since the others were too large and would get knocked off the door when someone would slide the door all the way open… But moving the panel seemed to workout, I’ll just put the secondary panel I ordered where the main panel used to be.

Is there any news on when the other secondary panel will come out? I’m really excited to have the full functionality of the panel instead of only arming and disarming!

Is there any news on when the other secondary panel will come out? I’m really excited to have the full functionality of the panel instead of only arming and disarming!

The full-feature version is not yet available and I do not have an ETA other than later this summer. I believe originally it was expected in July.

The simpler SP2 model which is mostly for chimes and arm/disarm should be available through suretyDIY very soon.