I am able to enroll this key fob to the IQ4 but when I press the button for Arm Away, the panel sets the alarm to Arm Stay. The Arm Stay and Off buttons works as intended. It’s enrolled as sensor type Key Fob and Sensor Group Mobile Intrusion. How can I get the Key Fob to Arm Away also?
That is likely a combination of the Auto-Stay setting and the Keyfob Instant Arming setting in programming.
If Keyfob Instant Arming is disabled then there will be an exit delay when arming.
Auto-Stay will then revert to stay mode if you do not open an exit door during the countdown when arming away.
If you want to leave Auto-Stay on, you can enable Keyfob Instant Arming under Settings > Advanced Settings > Installer Code > Installation > Security and Arming. Auto stay is in that same menu.