Hochiki 2 wire smokes with IQpro

Im looking to change over my faulted moose z1250 panel over to something more modern and user friendly. I would prefer to keep my smokes if possible. They are Hochiki … SLR835B -2w. Are these compatible with the IQpro ?

It’s compatible with 2-wire smoke detectors. Is there anything unusual about that model or is it just a normal 2-wire smoke? The IQ Pro is basically a DSC NEO panel from a hardwire perspective.

They are listed at 150mA maxcurrent

The Iqpro says 102mA max … when i researched the the compatible ones in the manual its say the 2W-B is listed at a max current of 130 so… maybe I’m misunderstanding something??

2-wire smoke detectors typically need to be on a current-limited circuit. The panel has to keep the amperage under a max amount on that circuit to avoid damaging the devices.

Manufacturers will call out specific compatibility due to the differences in electrical specs. I would recommend reaching out to the manufacturer of your detector to be sure about electrical requirements and whether a 100ma max circuit would work.

I would always recommend sticking to the models listed by the IQ Pro as compatible. The 2W-B and 2WT-B both specify they cannot be used on a circuit without the panel controlling that current limit, and the IQ Pro is designed to use them.

Just a little update ive got my system up and running…The 2 wire smokes come online but when I test them them i can only trigger(latch) the alarm from the first 2 smokes inline, any smokes further down line they go red but do not latch I think they require more than the 100ma.

I have ordered new 2W-B detectors. im hopping that will take care of it.

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