Help with Unlocking Cellular Module

The company that installed my alarm system for the prior homeowner/builder has indicated concerns over unlocking the cellular module because it would compromise their ‘Installer Code.’

I wanted to confirm that once the module has been unlocked and a cellular test has been performed the installer code would be remotely reset. Any documentation you can provide that I can pass along to the installer would be appreciated.


The company that installed my alarm system for the prior homeowner/builder has indicated concerns over unlocking the cellular module because it would compromise their ‘Installer Code.’

Happy to help! Well, the existing installer code is not even visible remotely through the dealer portal tools.

A command can be sent to change the code to a desired number by the dealer with whom the module is registered, but the existing code is never accessible and is not needed for remote changes.

This is standard practice.

I wanted to confirm that once the module has been unlocked and a cellular test has been performed the installer code would be remotely reset.

This depends on the panel. It is in some cases not automatic but can be requested.

If you are using a 2GIG GC2, GC3, or Qolsys IQ, IQ Panel 2, yes, it would be automatic during the initial connection commands. The code is simply changed to the default value so you may then change it to one of your choosing. The default value will be determined by the panel model and would be included in your suretyDIY welcome email after your order is processed.