Help Removing Thermostat

Hi, I had a T3000 thermostat that went bad. I installed a new Nest Thermostat.

I’m trying to remove the old T3000, but since it is no longer connected, it wont let me. Are you guys able to remove it from the backend?

Thanks for the help.

Also, could you remove the ADC temperature sensor that was associated with that Thermostat as well?

Happy to., Typically, we can send commands to remove a Z-Wave devices remotely, these commands should be successful so long as the Z-Wave device is no longer communicating with the system.

Unfortunately at this time, the removal commands are not populating as your panel’s firmware is too low. Remote Z-Wave command removal was not introduced until 2.5.0. Updating the firmware should allow for removal commands to be sent remotely. This can be done locally, more information here.

However, you should also be able to do this locally if you still have the TSTAT.

  1. From the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen.
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Tap Advanced Settings.
  4. Enter the installer code.
  5. Tap Installation.
  6. Tap Devices.
  7. Tap Z-Wave Devices.
  8. Tap Clear.
  9. Trigger the TSTATs Clear/Add Z-Wave function.
  10. The panel beeps when a device has been deleted.

I have updated the panel firmware to 2.5.4.
Let me know if you are able to remove it now.

Wonderful! Commands have been sent at this time, please give them about 5 minutes to take effect.

You may need to log out of ADC then back in to see these changes reflected in the account.

Thank You sir, that fixed it!