Go!Bridge Programing

I just received all my hardware and I’m installing the GO!Bridge IP Communicator.

Step 1 on “Configuring the Go!Bridge IP Communicator Settings” asks me to enter in the: “port number for the third-party monitoring services’ server.”

What is the port?

Configuring the Go!Bridge IP Communicator Settings” asks me to enter in the: “port number for the third-party monitoring services’ server.”

What is the port?

I would leave it alone (default is port 1).

for more info on the port, see: Does ADC provide IP:port info for Go!Bridge ? - Support - Surety Support Forum

Yep, leave it at port 1. That’ll direct comms to ADC.

I am getting an error when I run the test.

See attached images.

Her is the last image:


So, the Go!Bridge is connected to router currently?

It shows an appropriate LAN IP for your network?


Here is a picture of the radio test error:

Strange that it shows port 1 disabled and no Gateway IP.

Can you remove the GoBridge, go through settings steps one more time, use port 1.

Alarm.com is not seeing a broadband path on the account either.

See below for installation steps.

Are there directions on how to remove the Go!Bridge or do I just push the reset button on it.

Yep, the reset button will default the bridge.

Got it. The default in the setup says its set to Disable port 1 but it was actually enabled. Its is reconnected and test passed.

Can you verify that alarm.com can see it now as well please?

In the instructions it reads:

“To register the Go!Bridge IP Communicator with the monitoring service, refer to your specific providers registration instructions.”

Where are these instructions?

Those would be for different back-end services.

In this case, all communication goes through Alarm.com. I can see the device is properly communicating and responding now and dual path settings look correct (when a Go!Bridge is discovered on the account, it defaults to the proper settings in ADC)

Thanks for the help. Now I just need to figure out why the motion detector isn’t operating.