Give Back Get Back Not Turning Off


I’ve had to turn off the Give back, Get back on my account 3 times now after my thermostat has been adjusted without my consent. Why is this happening? I turn it off, it warns me of the eco impact, I hit OK. I check the settings again, and it’s back on without my interaction. Can reimburse me for my thermostat drifting and it taking hours to bring my house back down to the desired temperature at my financial expense?

Thank you

Looking into the history, it looks like it is indeed being cancelled, but I see further activity.

To clarify, are you navigating to the empower tab, clicking give back get back, settings and notifications, and toggling the top option to off, then saving?

Give back get back is a program only available in certain areas and is an integration with third party energy providers. The actual changes and when they occur are not stipulated by ADC. That said, opting out after signing up should cease activity.

When is the last time you were notified of a change of the tstats by this program?

Yes, I turn it off and save the setting but it remains “on”. I’d attached pics.



It’s very strange because we do see in the account history a few instances of the give back-get back cancellation.

Unfortunately this is a third party integration which requires user permission, so we cannot just manually cut it off. One thing we can try which should definitely stop all activity is to remove thermostats from your service plan, wait ten minutes, then reactivate.

Schedules and t-stat notifications would need to be recreated. Would you like us to go ahead and try this?