GE/Jasco Wifi Light Switches

Hi All I see the GE/Jasco Wifi toggle and paddle switches are marked as compatible in the office adc compatible hardware list. any idea how to add them to an account? thinking about swapping some zwave switches that died for these and i find is this article that says my dealer has to do it for me? Is this true? and if so would surety be willing to assist with this?

There are GE/Jasco wifi options as well as idevices wifi lights.

Here is the supported hardware page.

To add one to your account, you just need automation support (the Home or Complete plan) and then visit the website and navigate to Settings > Manage Devices > Add Device.

@jwcsurety I have added the light to the jasco pro app and linked my accounts in the ADC website but the switch has not shown up. any idea? does it just take a while to sync? Also do third party integrations routinely sync to check for new devices?

I see the account link but no devices are being reported through the account. I sent a request command to sync equipment lists but nothing has been reported.

Just to be sure, only the Dimmer Switch (JA64557), Wall Switches (JA64556, JA64559), and Wall Outlet (JA64562) are compatible with this integration. What model devices are you using?