GE Enbrighten switch causing error on 2gig GC3


I am currently using a 2gig GC3 for the last five years. I have approx 6 GE Enbrighten z wave switches that have been working fine. Recently I turned off a breaker to change out another switch and my z wave switch would no longer function. According to the internet this is a common problem with these switches. I obtained a replacement, installed it, and it functions as it should. I can turn the light on and off locally and remotely. It reports it status fine.

The problem I am having is on the ADC app. I am getting repetitive errors of ‘Light/appliance (ID:64) Button 2, single pressed’ or ‘Light/appliance (ID:64) Button 1, single pressed’

This error was occurring every few minutes with the first replacement switch for days. I then replaced the switch again and the errors now seem to be limited to when the switch is locally pressed or remotely operated.

The errors are categorized as ‘other events’ by ADC.

Is there a way to limit or stop these errors? They are really just a nuisance, and do not seem to be affecting the effectiveness of the system.

What is the exact model of the new light switch? That node 64 is being reported as a switch and a remote type device, which may explain the odd reports from it.

It is a GE enbrighten model ZWA4011ENB. It comes in a green and black box.

Do you have other switches of this exact model?

I am curious if maybe this device had custom parameters set through a different controller, perhaps by qc at the manufacturer.

I would recommend deleting that switch from the panel, the factory resetting the switch before learning it back in.

To factory reset, from the manual:
Quickly press ON (top) button three times, then immediately press the OFF (bottom) button three times. The LED will flash ON/OFF five times when completed successfully.

Sorry to bring this thread back up, but I think I found something new. I have had to replace a few of these GE Enbrighten switches now. Under the automation tab on ADC they now show as configurable remotes unlike the previous switches I have had. Is there a setting on the GC3 that is causing this?

Remotes is a relatively new feature through for Z-Wave devices that act as remotes.

Are you able to use this device as intended?