I am in the process of selling my home and one of the contingency is a working alarm system. I cant stand the GE Concord that was installed and never used it due to a bad sensor Ive not been able to fix. My new home I plan to install a modern programmable system.
I am hoping to replace but here lies the problem, I cannot get into programming mode. 8, 4321, 00. I get a bad beep when I do this but I know 4321 is the installer code because it prompts for ENTER CMD afterwards.
I simply want to program a new sensor and it looks like the only way is the Programming Mode?
These are the trouble shooting steps Ive taken.
power cycled the alarm system, disconnected battery and unscrewed the power.
I checked all the partitions to make sure non was armed. 8, 4321, 6 (1-6) and they all show active.
I am doing all this through an ATP keyboard which has the A B up and down buttons.
If I was planning to stay in the house I would replace it with a modern system but makes little sense for a house sale.
Any guidance would be appreciated. If I can have this resolved my next alarm is definitely from Surety.
I forget exactly how that keypad reacts to incorrect codes vs valid codes that are not the installer, but I suspect that is either not the correct installer code or one of the other partitions is actually armed. I don’t think there is any other scenario which would result in that behavior if it is an ATP alpha keypad. There is no programming lockout on Concord 4 to my knowledge.
Do you have an alarm provider monitoring that panel? They should be able to tell you if any partition is armed if you have Alarm.com service.
After I reached out to you I ran through a whole bunch express menu options that were available including scrolling through user codes but I didn’t change anything. Then for kicks I tried entering system programming mode on the second hallway keypad technically this shouldn’t work because this is a numeric keyboard only but low and behold it didn’t give a nasty beep and it finally entered programming mode.
Exact steps depend on the panel you select and whether you have wireless or wired sensors, but in general yes you could reuse the existing sensors and wiring, removing the keypads and old panel.
If your sensors are all wireless, they would be 319.5Mhz sensors used by the Concord 4 panel. Those can be learned into the 319.5 Mhz version of the IQ Panel 4, IQ Hub, or IQ Pro.
The IQ Pro has built in wired zone inputs. It is a more traditional setup, with the controller in a box where the Concord panel is now, and you would need keypads for local control.
The IQ Panel 4 and IQ Hub are all in one with a touchscreen keypad built in.
You could use wired sensors with the IQ Panel 4 or IQ Hub via a hardwire to wireless translator like this.