GC3 Wifi

Apparently 2 gig has removed all mention of any wifi capability with the GC3 panel? Any word yet of a firmware release to fix known issues such as 2 way voice ?

Apparently 2 gig has removed all mention of any wifi capability with the GC3 panel?

Not surprising since it is not yet available. They were probably receiving a lot of questions.

Any word yet of a firmware release to fix known issues such as 2 way voice ?

Not yet that I am aware. 2GIG hasn’t historically made a big deal of announcing firmware, if memory serves. Will update if we hear anything today.

Thank you Jason, whatever you did to make 2 way voice work on the GC3 panel is amazing. The central station now responds to all alarms via 2 way voice even during testing , which is great I am able to hear them and they can hear me!!! Wonderful , they are truly lightning fast and by far the best central station I have ever had, again Thank you Jason

Good to hear it is working out! Happy to help.

Is there something that can be done outside of firmware to improve 2-way voice ?

Any updates on a firmware release?


We anticipate firmware coming fairly soon here, but I can’t give an ETA yet. (I’m getting impatient myself)

We did some side by side testing with 2GIG GC2 and GC3, and there’s a stark difference.

I do not know this for certain, but it sounds like from a lot of testing that the GC3 is employing noise cancellation to give a much cleaner sound, which it does very well, but it seems like the filtering may be way too aggressive. This is speculation, but I’d wager that may be a cause of the drops we hear.

The GC2, by contrast, will allow even a whisper to transfer through 2-Way without breaking, but there will be plenty of noise and static with it.

Thank you. So, Michael’s May 4, 2016 at 9:25 pm post above indicates there are settings that can be changed. Can you change the filtering at the panel level?

No. There are no settings to change, unfortunately. The issues from May are describing a separate issue with the GC3 2-Way in which a work-around was used for all accounts, not individually.

Firmware is necessary for the performance tweaks needed.