GC3 Screen Backward

Woke up this morning to my GC3 screen being backward (image attached). All touch point work as if the display were normal. I have tried removing power and the battery to reboot it, but even the boot up screen shows up backward. Is there anything else I can do? It is unusable in the current state.

Well that’s a new one on me. Let me contact 2GIG on this and find out if they are aware of it.

May I send a hard reboot command and see if that affects it?

yes you can reboot it.

Command sent. Your GC3 should reboot shortly. Let me know if this changes anything

No change.

Alright. I am going to say 2GIG will absolutely want this one back.

Did you do any programming or add any devices recently? (yesterday)

Have you noticed any other issues with it?

This will certainly be a warranty replacement. I’ll have customer service email you regarding this.

No devices have changed within the past couple of days. Will you be able to back up and restore the panel settings when I get the replacement?

We may be able to. Prior to connecting the new panel we can run a backup and then when you are ready to connect the new panel we can push those settings. The steps below:

Run backup of current panel.
Unplug current panel, remove cell.
Push settings.
Plug in new panel with cell.

It isn’t 100%, but if the steps are followed there’s a good chance to get current settings/sensors/users. Z-wave does not transfer.

Thanks, Can you go ahead and run a backup. I will most likely be disconnecting it to send it in to 2GIG today once I get the shipping label. Once I get the replacement, I will contact you to Push the Settings before I connect the replacement.

Backup has been run. You can let us know here on this thread or via email to customerservice@suretyDIY.com when ready.

I Finally got my replacement panel set back up. I currently have an issue with it not communicating fully with ADC. If I do a cell test, it show up in the history on ADC. Other than that nothing seems to be working correctly.

None of my sensors seems to be reporting to ADC even though they report to the panel just fine.

Also Zwave devices can be controlled from the panel but not from ADC and I can get the user codes to push to the locks successfully.

Something seems hung up somewhere. I tried removing power and battery from the panel and waited about 30min before restoring battery and power last night. After that I did a cell test that completed successfully and showed in the history on ADC. As of this morning, the panel doesn’t seem to have fully synced with ADC.

I sent a couple status request commands to sync up. It looks like the panel is reporting status of sensors currently. Can you check now to see if everything looks right?

I am still unable to get user codes to push to the locks. They just get stuck as pending.

I’m not at home currently so I can’t check if sensors activity monitoring is reporting properly in history.

Any of the z-wave network devices moved since the new panel? Were they learned in with the panel within a few feet of the locks?

I just had someone test unlocking a lock and opening one of the doors. Nothing showed up in the history for either and the status of the sensors or door didn’t update. Something must still be messed up with ADC communication.

No all the zwave devices have been in the same locations. I ran a zwave network rediscovery this morning before I left and all devices were found correctly. I can also control all the zwave devices from the panel itself. Only issue is through ADC.

I’m looking into this. Looks like the panel may not have confirmed certain status and is causing a problem sending commands. I see it responding to all sent commands quickly, but the commands themselves do not appear to be doing anything. Will update shortly.

Would it be ok to send a reboot command?

yes that is fine.

Actually, I do see pretty much everything but the code commands being acknowledged quickly. However, I spoke with ADC and they re-pushed the commands you were attempting to send for codes. It looks like the locks responded, but with trouble.

When learning in the locks into the new panel, were the locks and the panel within a few feet?

If you learn in locks far from the panel, regardless of having a full device network, you can run into communication and power management issues.

Are you able to send other commands to the system? Arm disarm? Lights on/off?