I powered down, pulled cell module out, put back in.. Still doing it.
@cjc357 what is the build version associated with the firmware version on your panel? (System Info and Usage → System Info) This is not related to an account through Surety, correct?
Issue still occurs, also replaced the panel and it continued.
@Bryan To confirm, a new GC3 experienced the same status announcements? What is the build version associated with your firmware version? Never mind, found it above.
Thank you for following up. I have reached out to 2GIG to determine any next steps. Will follow up here.
To better assist, would it be possible to submit the first 4 digits of the panel’s Serial number? The first 4 designate when the panel was built. You can submit this information via our Secure Message Tool rather than place it directly on the forum if you’d prefer.
Thanks I just PM’ed it to you… I dont know if this is a related or unrelated issue… This is the second time in a year all my users (only 4 total)'s names in alarm.com have defaulted back to User 2, User 3 ect and some of my rules break… I looked on my panel and they were also user 2,3,4. I just deleted all from ADC and they deleted from the panel… I recreated on ADC but the names are not coming over to the panel. I dont know if they ever did in the past.
Hold off on contacting 2gig. I wonder if this is an the underlying issue. So I deleted all users from my panel and ADC… Re-added them to ADC (names still dont carry over to panel) so I manually named them in panel to match. Both my kwikset 914 locks failed to take the users. I think my steps need to be
un-enroll the zwave locks from the panel. Pull the locks off the doors. Re-enroll close to the panel. manually repush the users… Is that correct?
Maybe the issue I first reported is the panel having communication trouble with the locks… They have been working for months, just fine. Nothings changed.
un-enroll the zwave locks from the panel. Pull the locks off the doors. Re-enroll close to the panel. manually repush the users.. Is that correct?
Yes, if there is reason to believe that User Slot mismatches between lock and panel or manually adding codes locally may be the cause of the issue, it would be best to delete and relearn the locks to be sure. Make sure to allow a few minutes after the locks show up in ADC, then allow 5 minutes per code sent for them to activate at the lock. Does that resolve the issue?
Ok, I have not manually added any codes. I always do it through ADC. Should the ADV users push their names to the panel under the user section? I will test this later today
ok, so I un-paired the two zwave locks. I deleted all users (except master) from ADC & panel. I waiting about 30 min. I re-paired the two zwave locks. I waited about 30 min and renamed them on panel and ADC. I can control them from ADC. In ADC, I re-added lock access to the master user… Pushed to locks without issue. I waited about 30 min, added a second user and added locks… It pushed to locks without issue. BUT the user name on the panel just says user 2. This doesnt really bother me, but if it should be pushing, something is going on… And as mentioned I have had the user names reset on me in ADC twice now.
So far today no random system disarmed not ready to arm messages