GC3 Control Panel Backup Battery

I recently replaced the GC3 control panel battery, the old battery was sealed but the plastic wrap around the battery was expanded and not wrapped tight like the new replacement battery.

The home screen only shows the battery icon after charging for a week, it never reverts to the plug icon I see on my secondary SP1 screens.

Does this mean the GC3 control panel charging unit is defective? It is only 8 months old?

Does this mean the GC3 control panel charging unit is defective? It is only 8 months old?

It doesn’t necessarily mean this, no, but it is possible. If you don’t mind we would like to just send a hard reboot command to the panel to see if this can clear the issue. We do not see any low battery reports from the panel so it is unlikely to be actually low. Please confirm if it would be ok to send one now.

You can send the reboot command.

We’ve sent it. Please allow 5 to 10 minutes for this to complete before checking.

The GC3 panel home screen icon has been on the “electrical plug” icon since the reboot.

I have seen this icon stay on the battery, the plug and alternate quickly between the battery and the plug. What do these symbols indicate the panel is doing?

The reason I changed the battery in the first place was when I pulled the screen off to do a power reboot, I noticed that the battery that came with the panel did not look right (i.e. it was larger and the plastic wrap was not tight around the battery, it felt like air was between the wrap and the battery and it did not sit right in the cradle) and at that the time I only saw the battery icon on the home screen.

I assumed that the original battery was defective and needed replacing. Is this a reasonable assumption? How does anyone know if and when the backup battery needs replacing?

If you noticed a severely bloated battery, it was good to swap it out. Some light bloating can occur with these after long usage, but that description sounds like the battery could have been bad.

The little indicators on the panel screen are not intended to determine battery health, (or even battery level) just quick indicators to say it is either currently running on battery, charging, and/or plugged in and normal. The battery icon likely just was stuck on charging. The reboot cleared that.