Garage Doors Wont connect

Getting an error "Malfunction - Chamerlain Gateway (6004) Reset Routers several times

All my garage doors wont open or close

Have you power cycled the Chamberlain MyQ gateway? Do that now, leave it powered down for a couple minutes. If you have openers with built in wifi power cycle those.

I dont have aa seperate gateway. Everything built into the openers. They have backup batteries. How would I reset?

Your system indicates you have two garage devices running through one Gateway, so they wouldn’t both be using built in wifi. At least one is connecting through the other or both are using a separate gateway.

If you provide the exact model number of the openers I could best assist. In general if you are still having issues, the MyQ device with MyQ serial number ending 6004 needs power cycled. That is the gateway.

I am not seeing any active malfunction on those MyQ devices right now however. I do see lots of dual path broadband errors for the panel recently, along with lots of wifi thermostat connection drops. There are likely wifi connection issues (band steering and bandwidth throttling if this is a mesh router)

Thank you. The Garage door issue appears to have resolved.

I dont understand why the wifi isseus are occuring, but understand this is out of the scope of your responsibility.