Garage Door not acting as entry door

My overhead garage door is not acting as an entry door. Meaning when the alarm is set and I open the overhead it doesn’t trigger the alarm. How do I fix That?

Is it set as delay entry? What panel do you have?

Tilt sensor, or overhead garage door reed switch?

2GIG Programming :

DW10 reed switch:


This may be helpful - there is a note on why tilt sensors are programmed as non-response sensor types at suretyCAM.

If you want to program your tilt as a normal door…IMO the tilt sensors suck, and are garbage. Do yourself a favor, get an overhead garage door reed switch and DW10, and do your garage door right.

Do it right (DW10/overhead garage door reed switch- available on suretydiy)

I do want to make the garage tilt act as an entry door. What do I need to do?

The programming steps necessary were listed by rive, above.

Standard programming for suretyDIY installed tilt sensors is located here.

You would want to substitute the sensor type as below:

Sensor Type: (2) Entry Exit 2
Equipment Type: (1) Contact
Equipment Code: (1061) GARAGE 01 Resolution Products Tilt Sensor
Serial Number: Press “Shift”, press “Learn” then tamper the tilt sensor by opening its cover.
Equipment Age: New
Loop: (2) for vertical mounting
Dialer Delay: Disabled
Voice Descriptor: Insert vocab using 2GIG codes found here
Reports: Enabled
Supervision: Enabled
Chime: (desired chime effect)

Then change Q7 in programming to the necessary time to enter and disarm (max 240 seconds, 4 minutes)