Firmware update notification

No, the Z-Wave lighting issue isn’t a bug. It’s a legal issue. Some a%#holes at Lutron convinced the US patent office that their “idea” to transmit the status change of a light switch via a wireless signal is non-obvious and therefore a patentable invention. Lutron has a patent on doing that and the rest of the world is out of luck. You could always dump your Z-Wave stuff for more expensive Lutron Caseta stuff which is also supported by and then you can see light switch status on the app. Meanwhile I’m hoping my pending patent on alternating steps between my left and right feet when walking in a forward direction will be granted. Wish me luck.

Damn, that sucks! Thanks for the update.

I downloaded the FW and have the update cable but in the zip I don’t see 1.12 for the TS1. Since the Go Control and the TS1 have to have the same firmware to communicate, I have to wait until they have the 1.12 for the TS1 also. Or am I mistaken?

Hi BadPapaBear - the 1.12 update is only for the control panel. The TS1 does not have new firmware at this time and does not have to be on the same version as the control panel, as long as it is at least at (I believe) 1.10. I have updated my control panel to 1.12 and my TS1 continues to work fine on 1.10.

Schweetness, When I first received my TS1 it was 1.9 and my panel was 1.10. They wouldn’t talk to each other until I made them the same FW. At the time, I talked to 2Gig and they said they have to be on the same FW. Maybe 1.10 was a game changer… still makes me a little bit nervous.

I have a TS1 and have updated panel firmware to 1.12

Here is a summary

V1.12 adds support for broadband communication capability via the Go!Bridge (adds dual communication for cellular and internet connectivity), Portuguese language, minor UI changes, etc. Improved backend remote capabilities. This update is only for CP, TS1 firmware version remains 1.10.

Firmware just needs to be on the same base level. So 1.9 TS1 firmware works with 1.9 Panels, 1.9.4 Panels, 1.9.6 Panels, etc.

Alright that makes sense, thanks for the reassurance!

Firmware just needs to be on the same base level. So 1.9 TS1 firmware works with 1.9 Panels, 1.9.4 Panels, 1.9.6 Panels, etc.

That is going to confuse people.

Firmware 1.12 no longer requires same base level for CP And TS1

TS1 firmware 1.10 works with 1.12 panels

Are there any obvious UI changes or bug fixes with the new firmware?

Unknown regarding bug fixes, but there are a lot of remote back end improvements, minor UI changes, upgrades to the XCVR2 transceiver (I think then “clean screen” is different), additional programming Q’s…

v1.13 is out, includes update for ts1 (same build)

Has anyone seen release notes?

The release notes are available here. We’ll have V1.13 firmware available on our website by tomorrow at the latest.

Thanks Amanda, very interesting. Now questions and comments:

  • Now that it supports the Linear Garage Door Opener, does this mean the Linear will now work with ADC as an alternative to the Liftmaster? It does seem nice to bring that integration into the panel instead of requiring a third party.
  • Nice to have another supported wireless siren - I’ve read that others have used the $30 one from Lowes, but the Nexia is louder
  • Any plans from Surety to support Uplink in addition to ADC? I don’t know much about Uplink except for their abysmal app review score, but would be interested to see how the cost compares.
  • Love the new voice descriptors. Finally can announce those “MAN CAVE” sensors. :slight_smile:

From what I understand does not have plans to add specific support for the z-wave garage opener. We’ll have to test to see how/if it will show up as a z-wave device/switch.

We have no current plans to support Uplink, but we keep and eye out so time will tell if that changes.

We’ve got V1.13 available on suretyDIY at the normal locations. The direct link is here. Worth noting is that V1.13 is not yet available via OTA updates.

When you say that the 1.33 firmware is not available OTA, does that include the Go Bridge? The above post was written 6 months ago so perhaps it is available now?

What does Surety charge to send an OTA update for the TS1’s and Go Panel?

Yes, 1.13 is available over the air now. We charge $10 for an 2GIG OTA update. It used to be $15 and was recently reduced. Email to initiate.

Any word on 1.14?

Not available yet, no concrete details.