Firmware Q1.6.1

I have an IQ Panel received through LiveWatch (and in use now for several months) and was checking the firmware version and it says Software Version Q1.6.1-ADCS 5.0-ADCL 5.0. Seems to me the 1.6.1 is the firmware version as I see nothing similar elsewhere in About, but according to the top thread the latest version as of Nov 2016 is 1.6.2. Is it up to LiveWatch to allow releases to be accepted by their branded panels or is there something wrong with mine? Automatic updates are set (checks every 24 hours) and manual upgrade via Internet returns “no updates available.” Thanks in advance.

Is it up to LiveWatch to allow releases to be accepted by their branded panels or is there something wrong with mine?

We cannot speak to the policy of another dealer. Please address your dealer for assistance with supported firmware.

Automatic updates are set (checks every 24 hours) and manual upgrade via Internet returns “no updates available.”

Firmware from Qolsys is not opened to automatic download when it is technically first available. It must be manually applied until it has been ok’d for auto-update.