FireFighter Wired Smoke Alarm Audio Detector programming

Can anyone provide programming instructions for FireFighter Wired Smoke Alarm Audio Detector (ECFF345) for 2GIG panel?



Here is a video to help get you started!

Thanks Tyler. I see LED blinking red and green when I tried to tamper or learn button, but don’t see serial number popping up on the panel. Also I could not enter any text for voice descriptor field. Am I missing anything?

Can you verify that this is the ECFF-345?

If the model number is ECFF-319, that is a GE model which will not be compatible.

Also when on the serial number selection, you will need to press “Shift” then “Learn” before the panel will look for signals.

Jason, I missed the ‘shift’ part earlier. I am able to get the serial number by opening it.
Having trouble with voice descriptor name, are there are shortcuts to name it as ‘smoke detector’ like in your video?

I am able to get it to smoke, but not the detector part.

I configured this as “[16] FIRE WITH VERIFICATION”, does that mean I would get a call from the monitoring station to confirm if it’s a real or false alarm?

Just trying to understand how to prevent fire truck showing up in case a smoke alarm goes off due to grilling or other cooking activities.

Fire with Verification requires a full 30 seconds of continuous activation -or- 2 separate alarm instances.

If its a Fire alarm they will not call cell phones first only landlines prior to dispatch. Typically, if you set off a smoke alarm you’ll want to call central station to cancel if it is not an emergency.

Hi Tyler, I would like to follow up on your last post. I have my Honeywell 5808W3 smoke detectors programmed as 24 Hour Fire in the GC3. Are you saying that if my smoke detectors are activated the central station will not call me prior to them dispatching the fire department?

Cell phone contacts are dialed after fire alarm dispatch.

Per policy, only contact methods guaranteeing contact with an individual on the premises are used prior to dispatch. As it is a fire alarm, adding a delay to dispatch is not a good idea.

I am glad this came up. I was not aware the Central Station dispatches the fire department before calling the cell phone contacts.

I completely understand why that policy was implemented because in a fire every second counts.

I will let you know, however, that I do have two concerns.

  1. In my area, and many other areas, once the fire department is dispatched they are obligated to respond even if they later receive notification that the alarm was cancelled by the homeowner.

  2. False alarms.
    A. The most likely cause would be cooking related. This is not a common problem for me personally but I would guess it’s not an uncommon problem.

    B. The bigger concern for me stems from my experiences with another DIY security company which I won’t name here (it was not SuretyDIY, 2GIG, or Honeywell equipment.) I ultimately stopped using the services of that particular alarm company due to repeated false alarms from the smoke detectors. This resulted in me being very “gun shy” of integrating smoke detectors into my new GC3 panel with monitoring by SuretyDIY. I did extensive research prior to purchasing my current smoke detectors and found that the Honeywell 5808W3 has an excellent reputation in terms of reliability. I have not had an issue with false alarms in the 2 or 3 months that I’ve been using the 5808W3’s. Having said that, I do need to do some thinking about my continued use of them with my system because I absolutely do not want another fire department response to my home due to a false alarm. Prior to this discussion, I was under the impression I would have an opportunity to cancel the fire alarm prior to the fire department being dispatched.

Typically, with most aspects of central station accounts, things can be optimized and customized for the user on a case by case basis if needed. We are happy to help in any way we can.

However, in this circumstance, Fire Code prohibits changes being made.

Location premise number may be dialed, and two way voice communication activated, however there is a code limit to the delay that is allowed during fire alarm dispatch.

Additional contacts cannot be added. Cell contacts cannot be added.

Smoke detectors are certainly something you want to maintain properly and test. I understand the gun shy feel. I’ve burned a dinner or two.


You stated that ‘Location premise number may be dialed, and two way voice communication activated’, I am assuming that I would have an option to prevent fire truck showing up when alarm goes off due to cooking smoke.
FYI, I have two way voice option enabled for my service.
I agree that there shouldn’t be any delay when none is home to confirm if it’s a real or false alarm.

Thanks again.

I am assuming that I would have an option to prevent fire truck showing up when alarm goes off due to cooking smoke.

If confirmation is made by an individual in the home that the alarm is false using a method of contact that ensures the user is home, yes.

Basically all we were saying was cell phone contacts will always be after dispatch call when fire alarm goes off.

Got it, that’s what I would like to confirm. Thanks again Jason.

Certainly, always happy to help!