Firefighter Sensor Alarm Signal

Hello. I’ve recently installed the firefighter sensor next to my smoke detector. I placed my IQ2 panel in test mode and held the test button on the smoke detector. The firefighter led started flashing red which according to the manual indicates that is heard the smoke alarm and sends a signal to the panel. I then called the central station but they did not receive the alarm signal. Does the smoke alarm have to go off for a certain period of time for the alarm signal to be sent? Also, are there any settings in the panel that I need to have activated to make this work properly. Thank you!

Did the alarm system actually trip

The smoke alarms went off for a standard test. So like three sets of beeps. The IQ2 panel didn’t do anything. The system was not armed but I wouldn’t think it needs to be?

Do u have the fire fighter programmed in to the panel

Group 26 and device type as fire fighter this would be why the monitoring center didn’t receive a alarm as the panel itself has to trip

I myself aren’t to Fond of the fire fighters I prefer the actual smoke detectors like IQ smoke or Powerg Smoke

Thanks! Yeah it’s installed into the panel and the signal is strong. It appears to be working but I just am struggling to know to to truly test it to make sure it’s working.

Tommorow one the guys can help u with that I don’t know much about testing that device unfortunately

Looks like you have Fire Verification turned On according to your panel reports to ADC.

From the manual: “When enabled, panel requires two fire events from smoke
detector (one detector twice or two detectors once each)”

If you only have the one detector reporting to the panel, like the Firefighter, I would recommend turning off Fire Verification.

Settings > Advanced Settings > Installer Code > Installation > Sirens and Alarms