Driveway alert to GC3

I have a Dakota Alert DCR-2500 that I would like to incorporate into my panel so when someone drives down my long driveway, the GC3 will give an alert while we are here but not and alarm to the monitoring station if we are gone. I have watched this youtube video Z-Wave Driveway Motion Sensor and have incorporated my DW10-345 into the driveway receiver but I am unsure what to select in the panel for sensor type. I selected 0862 for the thin door/window contact and used sensor loop 1 because I used the wired input to connect it to the DCR-2500. Is this right? I don’t want to send an alarm, I just want it to let us know someone is coming down the drive.


set it as zone type 23

That did the trick! Thanks Riven

Would that be the same zone type for three Qolsys panel?

The Qolsys panel

On Qolsys you would use Sensor Group 25 (Local safety)

I also have a DCR-2500 driveway alarm. Is there a way to connect it to the Qolsys panel ext1 or ext2? Also if so would it be the the -normally closed or open on the form c relay of the 2500?
Thank you

Installation/learning of Hardwired contacts can be found on page 23 of the manual here. It would be best programmed as a Local Safety Sensor contact, providing notification and sensor activity monitoring options in, but no alarms.

You would want to use the Normally Closed side of the form C contact.

If you have a difficult wire run to the panel, you could always use an RE101 instead and use its wired input to connect to the relay.

If anyone is interested, the Dakota driveway sensor receiver also works when wired into a takeover panel (I have the Qolsys).