Doorbell Install

Is it possible to install the video doorbell and operate it without the iq panel? I just tried to set this up for a family member but it’s asking for panel information. I know someone else that has through another company and only has the doorbell and not the panel so I thought it was possible.

It sounds like you may be referring to activation steps on our site. Are you helping someone activate a new service plan?

You can use video devices only and do not need a panel but you would need the video only service plan.

If you choose Alarm, Home, Protect or Complete you would need a panel IMEI to activate.

Cam should be selected for video only. Please have that individual reach out from their SuretyHome account or email address linked to their account if they purchased the wrong plan for video only.

Gotcha. Sounds like it’s probably the wrong plan because the IMEI was showing on the activation steps. I’ll have them reach out to fix the plan. Thank you this is good information. I was just worried they’d need a panel, but this clears things up. I appreciate it.